Raise drinking age to 25!

A medical study came out many years ago showing average age of 25 yrs for full brain development. Raise the drinking age from 21 to 25. Help save our youth.

I’m an alcoholic and couldn’t wait to turn 21 so I could buy it on my own without having to convince people “who looked cool” outside of liquor stores to buy it for me. I was in rehab in 2 months.

I’ve been sober 16 years and think being an alcoholic was the best thing that ever happened to me. It’s a spiritual thing and I suspect raising the drinking age could actually be harmful.

Congratulations on sobriety 🩵.

I used to believe if you start early, the younger you will be when you quit. One thing is not true for everyone. I started early, ended early…thankfully :heart_hands:

In my older years, now, I think any type of intervention/prevention is better than none…even in small capacity. So, is 4 years a big difference? Maybe not in years but in other ways, that 4 years if growth may help intervene…it’s been known that children really do crave positive discipline (oxymoron in words, but u know what I mean?)

Either way, I just want the youth of today to be cared for and given the attention of care they deserve.

Then Raise the military age to 25. You can die for your country but not buy beer. I don’t agree!