Put Abortions Before a Judge

If an abortion is sought for reasons other than rape, incest, or a life-threatening medical emergency, it should be subject to judicial review.
The use of abortion for the sole purpose of birth control should be discouraged.

Women’s rights in regards to abortions should be left for the carrier of the fetus upon in emergency circumstances up to 12 weeks and if new diagnosis are found in mother or fetus prior to or at 16 weeks gestation with plan in place to have termination completed before 20+1 weeks which would extensive consent and law exemptions allowing and protecting both medical professional’s licenses and the expecting mother for cases such as:

  1. Threat to maternal livelihood. Acute reasons that directly put mothers life in danger for severe bleeding/sepsis. I.ectopic pregnancies, premature rupture of membranes earlier than 20 weeks of gestation. Also chronic health concerns at the physician and health care team’s discretion if noted to be trending in unfavorable directions over the duration of 4 office visits, within 12-24 hours of inpatient care, if caught, and abortion is scheduled prior to 20 weeks for conditions such as diabetes, chronic hypertension, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, genetic test screenings, etc.
  2. Diagnosis of maternal cancer after conception but prior to 20 weeks in which life saving treatment may Include surgical interventions/radation/ medications incompatible with carrying an existing pregnancy.
  3. Diagnosed severe fetal anomalies that are incompatible with life up to 22 weeks (earliest age at which intervention is offered in most hospitals).

Abortions only eligible for exemption up to two times max after the date of policy effectiveness. Prior abortions do not count and are not considered per this policy.

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