Miscarriage Care Protection 《STOP CODING AS ABORTION》

Our healthcare system codes miscarriages abortions unfortunately and the failure of a fetus is coded and treated the same as an elective abortion by healthcare. This is a huge problem because not all “abortions” in our medical system are voluntary. When a miscarriage occurs or is inevitable, many women require medication or surgery because the fetus doesnt pass naturally and can cause septic uterus or other major health concerns. By placing broadban policy against abortion is hurting women who are suffering from high rates of miscarriage through no fault of their own and are unable to recieve critical medical care in anti-abortion states. Why should a woman have to carry a deceased fetus for 5-8 weeks in their uterus? The rate of miscarriage is rising rapidly and these are women who genuinely want a happy healthy baby and are doing everything in their power to make it happen, but yet, when a heartbeat is not heard, or their is a serious chromosomal issue which will make it non-viable, the healthcare system treats a D&C surgery or prescription for medication to pass the fetus as Abortion pills, abortion surgery. So when you see the clinical abortions rate, this rate is not separating out elective vs medically necesary instances. The rate of miscarriage on the average woman is 20% chance, and even higher if the maternal rate is higher. In the current pro-life climate, the protection of miscarriage care is eeven mire important! These are not women who are electively killing a healthy baby out of illpreparedness, out of spite for a breakup, out of lack of protecting themselves, or lack of education or financial stability. These are future moms. They are women going through months and years of reproductive struggles yearning to become good parents! This needs to change. Please vote to protect rights of miscarriages!!


Spontaneous vs elected abortion is generally how these get coded.


I’ve worked in healthcare. There’s always been a spontaneous and elective option for me

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Just an FYI- Medical Terminology is mostly old Latin. Every word has meaning and is usually codified with a description. To Abort= To End. Spontaneous= without intervention. Elective= By Choice. As an OB Nurse of over 40 years, We call a miscarriage, in that term to the population. But it is written as an SAB (Spontaneous Abortion) in our documentation. In the cases of a TAB (Therapeutic Abortion) It means that it is a medical therapy i.e., an ectopic pregnancy is a non-viable pregnancy with life threatening ramifications for the mother. In the case of an “Elective TAB” there is no underlying medical condition that makes the procedure necessary. Some old school doctors will still use the acronym with or without the “T”. I understand that the semantics is a source of discomfort when you receive your bills from the hospital and that terminology is on them. But medicine is a science-based art. Society has changed the terminology and attach more judgmental connotations where there really is none, based on the actual causation.
Hope this helped?

There needs to be a law in place for ALL states regarding life saving measures taken for a pregnant woman and her unborn child. If any doctor refuses to treat the mother in this situation then that doctor should lose their license and get possible jail time. It is said that doctors in strict abortion states are afraid to treat a mother and this is UNACCEPTABLE! Make it a law for the doctor to treat the mother and do whatever is necessary to save her life!!!

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I proposed a detailed policy addressing this concern, as well as other concerns about abortion and pro-life laws.

Please consider it?

FYI - the very first paragraph summarizes the whole idea, and the actual content of my proposal comes after a few disclaimer paragraphs/my MAHA letter:

RIGHT TO MATERNAL/FETAL HEALTHCARE & EDUCATION to stabilize the abortion issue

Politics hijacked the term. Medically abortion is the removal of products of conception.