Protection of Women and Children From Rape and Molestation

Sexual assault is rampant throughout American society and affects the mental health of women and children. This bill seeks to assemble a government agency dedicated to eradicating rape and molestation domestically with the following goals:

Pressure the states to increase punishment for sexual assault of any kind.

Allocate a large budget to developing technologies to do the following:

  1. Rescue children from sexual assault
  2. Sensors to detect sexual assault on children by family members
  3. Wearable or implantable technology to stop rape before it happens
  4. Castration technology for perpetrators
  5. Technology to assist women who have been drugged or had too much to drink
  6. Technology to track children and report if they might have been abducted (as most child abductions by strangers are sexually motivated and often end in rape followed by murder)

Education for prevention of future predators. Develop screening of all immigrants illegal or legal that will detect potential sexual assault perpetrators.