I will admit upfront, I know very little about this topic. However worry over current news compelled me to write. I am of the opinion that the drones and balloons flying over sensitive areas in recent times should have been shot down or disabled immediately.
Drones and balloons of unknown origin and purpose flying over our country, our military facilities, government related facilities, and other sensitive areas both here and overseas are a danger to national security… In an article, I read that federal law prohibits the removal (shooting down) of these air craft unless there is a threat to National security.
Update: it seems as though there are processes to do most of these things. The news and politicians keep saying we are on the verge of WWIII, that Russia and China grow bolder with actions against us, and that our military is woefully under armed right now. I do not understand why we are letting drones of unknown origin fly over an important military facility for 17 days before setting up temporary restricted air space and to “start” to investigate the incursion. Still think this whole process needs to be scrutinized and modified if necessary.
Congress should submit and pass a bill that:
- Defines what is considered a national threat to allow removal of these aircraft.
- Allows override by Homeland Security and/or Base commanders ro remove aircraft when necessary.
- Defines a process by which areas can be designated protected airspace (military, government, industrial, Camp David, Mar a Lago for example, and other national security important areas. this would include drones, balloons, small aircraft, but not commercial passenger aircraft.
- defines what actions can be taken by whom to insure national security.
- Requires investigation of the air incursions including following drones to Home base if that is useful.
UPDATE: There should be a comprehensive drone management law enacted by the federal government and administered by the FAA.
- See above.
- All drones used in businesses or for a business and military or other government entities and personal drones over a certain size must be registered with the FAA. Additionally, the drone must either visually or electronically identify itself. this would allow identification of any drone Immediately by law enforcement, military and FAA. this must all be standardized.
- FAA or other federal agency must be more proactive and legally required to call restrictions of flight over or near sensitive areas (military bases, governmental areas, disaster areas where aircraft are responding, national security sites such as refineries, ports etc). Some of these restrictions should be permanent (e.g. military bases, White House, etc). Should also consider restrictions over large temporary gatherings such as Professional football, Mardi Gras, NY NYE Times Square, etc)
- There must be a safe way to capture , disable or destroy offending drones with suitable fines or punishment to owners. Additionally, local law enforcement must have a clear mechanism to identify and remove drones under the advisement of state and federal laws.