Proposed merge for: Replacing the expensive welfare state with cheaper direct cash payments (guaranteed income)

I propose these two policies, both around guaranteed income, get merged:


Written by @iBringBalance


Written by @JayMudholkar


Because the 2nd proposal is a Detailed Contribution, and the 1st proposal is an Observation, I recommend merging the 1st proposal into the 2nd proposal to make it overall a Detailed Contribution.

Thanks for this merge proposal. We have successfully merged these here:

End the welfare state. All it does is increase the cost of everything and discourages innovation. Finally, if I or you are not willing to voluntarly donate our resources to the needed then it is theft from those we take it from.

I believe welfare should consist of only 3 months of assistance, while you are looking for a job, then 4 weeks of job training. If you don’t have a source or means of income by then you can be placed in a government utilities or infrastructure job until you find another job.


While working in the system I noticed one glaring injustice when it came to welfare. A single mother with children who LIVED with her children’s father but was not married to him was given benefits as though she was raising her children and living alone!
When you see welfare moms driving escalades with the newest iPhone and freshly manicured nails this was likely the scenario.
Baby daddy could be pulling in over a hundred grand a year, paying all expenses and all kids were on Medicaid and 1000k a month in food stamps. Essentially allowing that father to escape the cost of providing health insurance for his own children and the expense of feeding his own children. That left a lot of expendable income for vacations and toys.
It’s also a marriage penalty. If they were to get married they would lose those benefits And that is a built in marriage penalty from the government and it needs to stop!
I propose that welfare only be given after everyone living in the homes income is taken into account.
There also has to be a way for people to report on welfare cheats, SSI cheats, immigration cheats that insures an investigation will happen.