Prevent entities, activists, activist-groups, activist-corporations, governments, and government-like entities attempting to carry out bio-terrorism using a new pandemic. Prevent entities from using drones, planes, vehicles, robots, or products to vaccinate, spread viruses, or drop devices and substances on Americans. Prevent GMO mosquitos from carrying out mass vaccines or virus-spread. Prevent vaccines from spreading viruses through puncture-skin-area spread. Prevent activists and bio-terrorists from attacking infrastructure, food processing facilities, and spreading viruses to animals, water supplies, soil, crops, pesticides, insects, and other areas or methods to force a new pandemic. Prevent law enforcment to allow, hide, or turn a blind eye to such actions. Investigate all labs to ensure no human-animal transmissable viruses are being held, cultified, created, and modified in any labs. Prevent any operations of gain-of-function capabilities. Investigate all actors linked to potential virus-creating capable labs. Investigate all actors with records, influence, and stakes in vaccines and virus-making fields and labs. Investigate anyone associated with labs and the terroristic World Economic Forum global criminal network. Investigate actors and their networks who have publicly stated and delighted in the idea of Americans being vaccinated against their will.
Many people know and can feel a new pandemic is coming. Many know there is a depopulation agenda and an agenda for global power and control. I think this is a strategy to prevent it before it begins. It’s likely covid is just the test for the next worst pandemic to come which will more-than-likely be the big one that will cause major devastation and mass rapid population reduction.