Ban all mRNA shots

Covid mRNA shots are all risk, no benefit and should have been pulled off the market a long time ago. This endeavor is pure profits over safety. The product was rushed to the market, justified with fraudulent data, and without proper followup surveillance.


I wholeheartedly agree with this assessment. As a physician (who completed my final year of medical school and my residency intern year during the height of the COVID 19 pandemic, I personally treated patients who experienced life threatening side effects of the COVID vaccine, including but not limited to massive pulmonary embolisms,ischemic strokes, myocarditis, and aggressive malignancies. These mRNA COVID vaccines were more lethal than the COVID 19 virus itself, in many cases. It is a crime against humanity that these vaccines were ever approved by the FDA. Now is the time to admit that these vaccines were a mistake, to rectify the situation, and to remove them from the market to prevent any further harm to our patients.


i am agreeing with it all as a NP i am seeing shocking disabilities shot and ALS and cancers, but its going to take us all being verbally “out there” with what we are seeing and treating. Have been working with Dr Pierre Kory and Scott Marshlands protocols for getting the spikes out of the system asap. What is scaring me more is we are giving pregnant women 3 shots and same for the new borns its criminal. Spreading the Childrens Defense articles and information is making a difference if you dont get censored, i posted this website and within 30 sec it was censored and removed from Faceplant.


All vaccines at this point should not be mandate it! It should be a choice! As an ER RN I worked both pandemic and the second pandemic was the pandemic of the vaccinated. I had patients come to the ER with stroke like symptoms, TIA, pulmonary embolism enlarged heart, seizures. Tachycardia, cardia arrest, cancer etc. now mind you we have patients to come into the emergency room with these illnesses, but not like anything that I have seen before and they were vaccinated against covid. It’s a shame what was allowed to take place! It should’ve never been allowed to happen.


100% mRNA vaccines should be banned. If you cannot 100% know for sure, for any specific dose and be able to normalize across individuals - where it goes in the body, how long it lasts in injectable form, how much is incorporated into a cell, how much protein is produced, how it is turned on, how it is turned off, what protein fragments are produced, and what is the body’s response, then mRNA vaccines are a DANGEROUS idea. To date, NO ONE can accurately provide responses to the above because they do not exist but the adverse effects clearly do. Ban all of them and disband the FDA for approving what is obviously a faulty product and even a faulty concept in general.


These injections have very high adverse reaction rates rates. I watched deaths accumulate very quickly in the CDC adverse event reporting system from the COVID vaccines yet the role out kept going. Mandates should never be allowed as they violate the Nuremberg code. I am a hospital pharmacist.


Agree! All mRNA shots should be pulled off the market and the entire childhood vaccine schedule should be a choice not mandated for education… AND no bonuses from pharma to physicians for having a certain percentage of their patient population fully vaccinated!


Thank you Dr. Bowden for all you do to protect us from harm!


As Donald Trump and Ben Carson have discussed, vaccines are a very misused medical medium benefiting corporate profit campaigns; doctors and medical industry leaders have a seemingly careless disregard to human health, life, and potential side effects when recommending and normalizing certain treatments/technologies ($). MRNA is dangerous to mess with and there is an astounding amount of factual information that would scare average mainstream media/medical believers. At 23 years old, I already know a handful of MRNA vaccinated people my age that now have lifelong Autoimmune diseases after they were vaccinated. They now have to take more medicine and pay Big Pharma more $ for the diseases caused by their product, the vaccines. This ISN’T normal! Remember that the TOP leaders of the “big” science and medical industries at ONE POINT IN HISTORY recommended LOBOTOMIES and electric shock treatments! New products like MRNA vaccines can be related to certain points in medical history; they are experimental products that are carelessly risking lives/longterm health while powerful forces profit immensely! WAKE UP! The vaccines that are being allowed to be injected in little babies look like they’re made for horses or rhinos! They are HUGE and only God knows what big pharma/medicine is HIDING! Just like the birth control, opioids, Xanax, SSRI’s that they are also pushing! Our population is being poisoned and dumbed down in mass! They are dividing, distracting, and weaponizing us against each other! Twitter is @17Truth17


Please. Too many have died from this technology.
Anyone still recommending this is a criminal.


Dr Bowden

Once people wake up to the FDA corruption wrt food, people’s eyes will open easily to corruption wrt vaccines. RFK has been in this fight since 2005. He knows what to do

In the meantime, this is a good approach when trying to inform people about this subject


I wonder how many doctors discussed the risks with their moms.
I wonder what incentives follow injection of this “vaccine”.
I wonder why virtually no other doctors speak out about this or do anything about it.
I’m a wonderer.


At private practice in physical therapy I estimated 7-8% of the covid jabbed clients had neurological damage following the jabs that affect ability to walk, greatly reduced fine motor control, reduce proprioception, and other ill effects. These products should never have been allowed to continue. My employee had 2 family members die after getting covid jabs. Pull them immediately!


This is absolutely the most important action that needs done on DAY 1!!


This should be front & center! Thank you Dr. Bowden for leading on this subject.


This should NOT be banned. We need informed content laws that restrict ANYONE, neither government nor private, to coerce and individual into any medical treatment including vaccines of all types.

We should not be banning certain types of medicinal procedures.


I agree after seeing firsthand many that I loved in my family be vaccine injured because of the covid 19 shots and others. How about we add to this ban by removing mercury and known toxins from all vaccines given to any individual. Mercury is highly toxic to the brain. We as a society are very advanced technologically. We can find a natural preservative to put in vaccines that does not include highly toxic ingredients. We need all pharmaceutical companies to be liable and held accountable for all injuries due to their vaccines. No more hiding behind being exempt from lawsuits if your product is harmful. You bring a vaccine to market for the public, you are held liable for the quality of your product, no more loopholes at the expense of innocent people. We the people should not be required to take a vaccine from any pharmaceutical company that is lawsuit protected or exempt plain and simple.


I was a medical student at Yale when these shots rolled out. I left in my 4th year instead of continuing to residency as I saw people being injured and killed by the mRNA injections. Yale published multiple papers on teens that died within 72 hours of injection from myocarditis. These products need to be pulled and NEVER MANDATED. GOD BLESS AMERICA.


100% percent!! Thank you for all you’re doing!


My husband, a healthy 59-year-old man with no family history of strokes suffered TWO rare bilateral cerebellum strokes after taking the second Pfizer COVID-19 shot mandated by his employer , Airbus Helicopters. Five days after the strokes he is rushed into the OR for an emergency craniectomy to relieve brain swelling. He is intubated and extubated three different times (damaging his voice box and vocal cords) followed by a tracheotomy and a feeding tube. After being released from the hospital after more than 80 days he had to learn to swallow, walk, talk and is working continuously to build strength and balance.‬

Tim is a helicopter pilot and because these unsafe Pfizer COVID-19 shots caused his blood clots/strokes he has lost his medical certification to fly, destroying his long time love and career of more than 40 years.

Please watch the Children’s Health Defense movie, Vaxxed 3 Vaxxed 3 Movie • Vaxxed 3

My husbands CHD interview