According to credible whistle blowers, they seem to encounter incidents with some sort of bio-chemical ooze that causes flu-like, gastro, bacterial, and health-decaying symptoms when touched with the naked hand. These substances are usually found on the bottom of car handles.
If proven true, there should be an investigation on what this bio-agent is, why this chemical agent is used, who conducts these operations, who elses did they use this bio-agent on, where does this ooz comes from, how it is administered, who authorizes it, and how agencies and individual federal agents should be held accountable. Individuals who have been affected by the bio-chemical ooz agant should be greatly compensated for the harm it has caused. Agencies or contractors using bio-chemical agents should be charged with crimes against humanity and there should be policies to prevent federal agencies from using bio-chemical agents on the America population.
Technically, they are already prevented from doing this. The UN Biological Weapons Convention, formally known as “The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction”, the Convention was negotiated by the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament in Geneva, Switzerland. It opened for signature on 10 April 1972 and entered into force on 26 March 1975. The BWC supplements the 1925 Geneva Protocol, which had prohibited only the use of biological weapons. The US ratified it on Apr 10, 1972.
And you are surprised? And since no one is ever held accountable, they can do anything they want. When you think you are right, and have the power, you can do anything you want. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
This shouldn’t just be federal agencies and metals spraying is also a problem this should include private companies and it should include actual prison sentences for physical human beings if they’re working there and they approve it or they do it they go to jail their company gets permanently shut down and all assets seized