Prayer back in all schools

Prayer and pledge allegiance to the flag. Mandatory in all schools. The moral compass of this nation has been destroyed and we need repentance and God back into our lives


Pledge Allegiance to the Flag as we are one nation to be UNITED UNDER GOD!
No prayer but a moment of silence to pay to your God.
We have to fill our hearts with God.


For everyone’s protection we should keep religion out of schools. It’s a slippery slope.


You can’t force beliefs onto anyone. Now if staff and students want to participate in that on their own time, that’s one thing.
Our district has a religious group meet once a week during the students lunch and it’s optional.

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American would not be free forcing a certain religion on anyone
If its freedom of religion it Truly has to mean that
Also religion just shouldn’t be allowed in schools i know how that might sound terrible
But it really shouldn’t no one’s religion should be allowed in a school

The hard part about this matter is that there have been lawsuits where people sued the school for prayers because there are certain religions that don’t believe in God. An example of this could be Buddhists. They don’t believe in prayer and the United States is supposed to be known as a melting pot for cultures. This could also sort of violate the first amendment, freedom of religion, even if praying in school could be argued as freedom of religion, there are many people who don’t pray, Buddhists or even atheists, who could argue that they are being violated from their freedom of religion.

Secularism is a religion too. All public schools in America were Christian with bible and prayer from 1776-1962. Changing public schools from Christian to “secular” is relatively new, and needs to be reversed.