Pornography Ban

Pornography has negative impacts on individuals and society as a whole. No reasonable person can argue that it doesn’t.

Prohibition doesn’t work. Ever. The Prohibitionists made, basically, the same arguments against alcohol that are now being made against pornography.

The 18th Amendment was a disaster for this country. The only thing it truly achieved was the introduction of modern organized crime to America.

Now we’ve got the decades-long War on Drugs. Like with prohibition, all we’ve achieved is creating criminal cartels so powerful that they destabilize nations. Oh, and for those not keeping score…we lost the war on drugs long ago. We are just going through the motions now. Our casualties in the Vietnam War were insignificant compared to our casualties from drugs.

While I sympathize with your sentiments, unfortunately there is no easy “quick fix” to the pornography problem.


I believe pornography has essentially destroyed our society. It has destroyed families, relationships, and resulted in the sexualization of minors. It has also led to abuse and other issues like body dysmorphia, which makes people hate themselves. Pornography is out of control, and must be eradicated in order to save society.


How do you purpose to go after addiction without eliminating the cause?
I agree that porn is very dangerous but its like alcohol some can have a drink now and then and some get into trouble with just one drink.


Completely agree, it is not allowed in Israel. But Israel and Jewish owners of these sights create sin in our American society not theirs for monetary gain. Disgusting acts, should be banned.


I would like to see more emphasis on healthy relationships and families and less emphasis on pornography.


Is it the government’s job to protect citizens from their own lack of self control? This sounds like a religious issue. Would you also like the government to mandate church service? I do not want to live in a country where church and state/government are not separated. Look at countries where religion and government are one and the same. It is horrifying.


“ But to ban it completely because some use it in baf ways opens up a situation where politicians can use this argument on almost anything.”

Politicians already use that argument and even if porn bans strengthen their argument, it’s a net benefit

I agree with this and think it should apply to video games as well. They are also a tool used to control young men through addiction.


God Bless you I love this comment so much. Thank you for all you do.


Hah! I think it’s funny the poster made it so they get to approve what people are saying

That says to me this is a stupid waste of time issue because it’s not free speech if the OP gets to cherry pick which posts are ‘approved’ and which languish in the approval queue and/or don’t ever get posted.

I think it’s a cowardly thing to post a topic and then not let people talk about it except for people who agree with you

BTW i’m a redditor who got kicked out for liking Trump too much and saying funny things the gov doesn’t like…I’ve gotten 20 death threats on reddit and deal with people callling me names on social for 20 yrs so please feel free to reply to me with anything you dang well want. Thanks!


I don’t understand this isn’t relevant what you’re saying anybody can comment on this post to my knowledge

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Well I am unable to post my counter argument here as the keywords trigger a moderator approval. So all I can say is this is why our founding fathers enshrined separation of Church and State. You can have these strict rules in your own house but you have no right to force it on all of us who do not have “addiction” problems.


Censorship is censorship, no matter how you try to sugarcoat and justify it.

Women watch porn, as well, thus it might be as reasonable to expect they are influenced as much men. The premise is thus flawed.

Next, we can ban the advertising of trucks and sports cars, because men might become enamored with them…then we could ban advertising electronics because men spend way to much on electronics, also indicating addictive behaviors.

People, men included, are not going to become more interested in something less interesting because some busy body banned the more interesting subject matter. It will only force the more jnteresting subject matter underground…beyond control.

It wouldn’t hurt to stop forcing porn onto people whom aren’t amused by the public display of porn though. People generally don’t want porn shoved in their faces involuntarily. It can become just plain gross.

Does anyone remember Lenny Bruce being arrested for public profanity? Yet rap music promotes all manner of violence and profanity.

Legal decency bans tend to be grossly biased and generally does not work.

Anal knowledge, as an example, is banned in many places where homosexuality is openly practiced, even by lawmakers. So, how did THAT work out? …Sort of like banning alcohol during prohibition is how that worked out.

It may be gross but can it really be effectively banned? This is going to turn out like “No child left behind” and the “War on drugs”.

When the Federal Government gets involved, things get worse, money us wasted and eventually the people get sick of the hypocracy and the project is scrapped.

Can we just skip the Government regulation and wasting of tax dollars? Let’s just feed a hungry veteran with those tax dollars.

Would you be content to curtail the public display or porn on non-consenting audiences?


Thank you! The devastation this addiction causes is unreal; it takes, on average, 3-5 years to rewire the brain to a healthy state. The hope in this is that the brain is so resilient and that it can be done with the healing and hope of Yeshua. Helping one person at a time break free from the shackles of bondage, and fully walk in their God given purpose.


No one needs to view pornography period! They are displaying way too much on prime time television as well. God did not create us to desire to view other people’s naked bodies. That’s a developed desire, a sin.


I think this topic is missing a downvote

It is a persons own responsibility to control their pornography usage, in the same way as its their responsibility to control their smoking, drinking, drug use, profanity

I think it is not the gov’s job to tell you what you cannot do; and inversely, I don’t like governemnts telling me that I MUST do something, like wear a mask or take an experimental shot

Porn that isn’t illegal (kid stuff, punching/violence) is a first amendment issue

If you dont’ like it, move please to saudi arabia where they will kill you for having porn or alcohol

This is a america though. Your are cherry picking what you want to be free speech. People who make money doing porn and those that use it would disagree with you. Lets not start banning things ok? And instead focus on things the government needs to change

If porn offends you so much, then spend your time telling people why its bad, as you’ve done here, instead of trying to force our governemnt to act like a nanny or a karen and starting to control people’s behaviors when they are well enough capable on their own to control their own behaviors


The problem with your proposal is two-fold:

  1. Banning something will only increase the desire for people to partake in it, meaning people would be willing to go through illegal and dangerous means to get it.

  2. It is a blatant violation of the 1st amendment. So as it is between consenting adults and not distributed to minors, it is perfectly within their right to produce pornography.

While I am in favor of tight regulations to protect minors against it, banning it would make the problem worse, not better.


I agree. We need to heavily regulate content creators. Increase their taxes and increae the taxes on subscribers. Many women are making millions a month from men looking for attention.


And bring back truly family friendly TV shows and movies.

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No. This is anti-free speech.

Don’t ban any media, content.