Ban Pornography

Pornography has become a masculinity and family killer. It tears apart families and exposes children to grooming, sexual promiscuity, and often exploitation. It often leads to depression and other mental health problems as well and may turn into criminal activity through people carrying out fantasies they’ve grown through pornography. The companies that exist for pornography often allow the exploitation of children in publicly submitted videos and do nothing to protect kids, nor do they work with law enforcement to help find kids. Pornhub has already been banned in multiple states for refusing to do age verification. All pornography should be banned!


Ongoing discussion elsewhere!
but I will add your thoughts to my threat on Mental Health :dizzy:

Agreed. I believe sex work of any kind should also be banned.


IF Obscenity, Public Indecency, Public Nudity Laws ALREADY Enacted are NOT going to be enforced, our legislators ought to remove these "obsolete"laws. EITHER ENFORCE OUR LAWS OR REMOVE THESE LAWS.The Internet is our new Public Square. Children EASILY find free hard core porn sites that offer plenty of free programming. THIS is ILLEGAL for ANYONE to be exposed to obscene images whether if happeningbto walk past a Gay Pride parade or some pornographer attaches obscene images to an innocent page on some innocent topic of interest. Sorry for all the CAPS but I am pissed off that pornography pervades our entire lfe now – even all of uscwho want ZERO exposure to this EVIL industry…


Also–I am a rental property manager. We have rented to some sex offenders over the years. Pornography was totally involved with these vulnerable men. One told me he started viewing pornography as a 10-year-old child. The pornography industry knows that lonely depressed isolated men seek out harder core and harder core pornography to get the same highs, and eventually they end up looking at illegal images and get caught. These men were lonely and depressed and isolated before their pornography addiction, and they are in much worse shape now on the sex registry for life. I blame pornography for the majority of sex offenses.


Having our government dictate to the American people what they can and cannot watch is a totalitarian type of control. Personal Liberty and responsibility needs to be at the forefront of every policy decision. We do not need a nanny state involved in personal viewing choices. I don’t watch porn but I sure don’t want the government telling me if I can or can’t. This is simply wrongheaded.

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I disagree. It definitely should be regulated to be as safe as possible. Some people abuse it but some have it as a way to express themselves and their freedoms.

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Porn is nothing but a perverted, fantastical distraction from real life. It serves no purpose besides overloading dopamine receptors, causing mental disorders, and making ED a rampant phenomenon. It’s also been linked to higher young adult suicide rates. If we want to make America healthy again it has to start with banning porn.

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Yes BAN it. I agree with all of the above discussions. It has caused family trauma, and mental health issues. All sex work should be banned.

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China banned it why can’t we? nope instead our government makes money on all these people in jail. Especially private prisons need to stay full. Look up Operation Pacifier and see how the FBI re-victimized many people

absolutely agree. you should google operation pacifier sometime. The FBI started it and no one got fired.

YES! There is no room for pornography (onlyfans etc) in a civilized society! It only shows you how to abuse women and use them as sex objects. Men learn nothing about real love and respect of women as wives and mothers of children. It only leads to needing more to satisfy and it’s tentacles reach down into the depths of hell and the children (and even animals) end up suffering for it. Children get groomed and addicted to porn when they’re just children. They then become predators to other children, to satisfy their urges that they don’t even understand yet! More children suffer due to the existence of pornography, than there are of adults, who are so called responsible fans of porn. It all leads down the same evil road and you have a society filled with creepy pedos in all walks of life, looking at your infant, toddler, children of all ages like a sex toy! Stop the cycle, and disrupt the demand for child sex trafficking/snuff films. We clearly see the results of porn after decades of it’s existence and it’s not worth having! Oh but it was suggested in counseling for us to watch it together, as a married couple, to spice up our relationship and blah blah blah. NO. NO. And NO! It opens the door to evil to break up marriages. It ALWAYS destroys what’s supposed to be a loving marriage between a grown man and a grown woman. It’s all demonic and makes sex the forefront of a relationship. When there is soo much more that goes hand in hand with two people in love, to create a life and raise a family. Free of demonic thoughts and deeds! I get free speech and I get the freedom to do whatever we want. I’m all for it. But when we clearly see that our society has fallen to evil due to this particular subject, it’s in all of our best interests to ban it and cleanse our connected consciousness away from it forever. There are too many mentally ill people out there that can’t think for themselves, but we’re supposed to believe in humanity and that nobody will fall for the evil and cause chaos in our realm in the process?! The level of ignorance is off the charts. We need a clean slate to wipe it all away and start over.