Politicians to use the same insurance and retirement options as the people

Congress and Senate, and for that matter all government employees to utilize the same resources as the common people have access to. No special retirement funds (for example,
no collecting a pension upon leaving office) and no unique medical and insurance plans. They are not above the rest of us. They must utilize what they put in place and manage for all American citizens. Aligned interests only creates better outcomes and opportunities for all.

Proud to be an American. Make it great again—go vote!


We have Government funded Health care already available. It is called the Veterans Administration Health System. REQUIRE Congressional members AND their staff (GS & WG Employees) (Active & Retired) to use the VA Health care. This will EXPAND availability, this will IMPROVE services because those “elites” will not put up with delays or wait time, or incompetent services. The funds used to pay for their care now, goes to the VA. IF they so desire, and choose NOT to use the VA, that is THEIR CHOICE and can acquire and pay for THEIR OWN Health Insurance. (NOT TAX DEDUCTABLE)


Not just the politicians, ALL government employees. No special benefits that are not available to everyone. And they pay their OWN premiums out of their paychecks just like we have to. No more tax payer paid benefits.