Policy Imperatives for Health Freedom

Yes, absolutely. This is why my first point is no medical mandates.

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Yes, point #7 calls for a ban on any private entity “donating” to a government entity or entering a joint venture with them, such as the CDC Foundation. That is exactly what I had in mind, but the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has funded NIH programs and collaborated with NIH so it’s not just the CDC Foundation.


I don’t believe government should be in this business. I believe if government got out, if we removed all the programs I mentioned, and implemented these policies, the free market would seriously diminish what today is called conventional medicine and elevate a vast spectrum of what is deemed complementary medicine. I am a qualified homeopath and raised my family exclusively on homeopathy. I understand your point and agree there are so many ways to heal and maintain health, but believe the first step is to remove all the government support for the pharmaceutical-based system we have today and let people decide what works for them. Of course, we also have to ban direct to consumer advertising on TV again as the media are a huge part of the problem. The public simply does not know it is being mislead by the media.

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I do not disagree. As I mentioned, I have been keeping notes for a book for a decade on this subject. I was merely laying out the most pressing issues that must be addressed. Effectively, we live in a post-Constitutional order. I am not saying I like it or that I approve, merely stating the reality. When I was asked to draft this due to many presentations and talks I have given on the subject (see Presentations and Interviews under the Learn tab here HealthFreedomDefense.org), I enumerated what I believe to be the most glaring problems we face related to our health and health freedom.

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Excellent! Every single one of these mandates are necessary and need to be implemented right away! Thank you Leslie!

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Stop all flu vaccine mandates and mask mandates.

Absolutely! We will get there.


Repeal the opioid prohibition which unjustly criminalizes PCPs and leaves human beings who have incurable chronic painful diseases or lifelong traumatic physical injuries abandoned. It’s not their fault they have an incurable disease or physical injury. It’s a human right not to suffer. This is cruel and inhumane.
Many abandoned patients, have an unacceptable QoL now- many commit suicide to escape the suffering or others desperate for relief may turn to counterfeit tainted street drugs & die from OD or become fullblown illicit users. The guidelines in 2016 grouped all opioids in 1 bucket including heroin fentanyl, etc… The ICD-9 coding was not specific prior to Oct-Dec 2016 when a more specific ICD-10 code book was released. However, the first 3 quarters of 2016 was really unknown - just like the years prior. Most diversions occured between or enroute from the manufacturer to the designated distributor. Other diversions were Dr Shoppers, and ppl playing both sides of the fence, illicit drugs and / or plus rx’s.
The pay per diagnosis code influences some healthcare to upcode and create charting for justification. Please rein in bias on pain meds used for ODs. If 1 person who ODd had 3 different drugs eg, benzo, heroin, fentanyl - instead of 1 death they counted it as 3, based on amount of drugs in the toxicology.
Definitely needs to restore PCP to treat their patients (most have or were seen by the same PCP for many years.) The PCP knows their patients, govt needs to stay out of “practicing med” & allow the PCPs to use their knowledge & skills without fear of prosecution. The PDMP is an invasion of privacy and used to target legit innocent patients and legit innocent doctors. Govt gives out # of pills rx’d over 5 yrs time by one provider. If the Rx is 4x day and PCP sees 30+ pts a day x 5 or 6 days- the amount of pills cited is not extraordinary, in fact they’re less than the 5 or 6 years amounts the officials cite. Sensationalism has no place in citing numbers, if you break down the math.
Stop this insanity. Listen to legit pain pts and legit PCPS. The govt is deaf and blind, they know- it’s been admitted but put it in legislature & stop the suffering and deaths. I’ve researched and dug for 2 years to find the correct information. I have questions still, like why is CDC getting opioid lawsuit money ? What are the States doing with the lawsuit money? I am determined to find more answers and determined for all suffering to have a voice !

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These sound like proposals that RFK jr. would support. He joined Trump under the agreement that these types of issues would addressed to provide Americans with safe food.