Resolution: Health & Wellness Protocols for all Citizens ‘Right to Try’ Complementary Modalities

Resolution restoring citizens ‘right to try’ health & wellness protocols to lead a healthier, happier, longer life by utilizing proven complementary modalities and protocols of choice, instead of a monopoly dictated by the pharmaceutical establishment that stands to benefit financially from a sick population and accepting ten (10) (but not limited to) previously non-utilized, restricted or censored wellness modalities for optimal health.

WHEREAS, Healthy food, water, soil and air are the foundations of robust health & a basic human right. Statistics show citizens health is worsening, lifespan is shortening and our citizens are suffering. It is essential that said modalities become mainstream and affordable for all.

WHEREAS, Illness has become big business, resulting in astounding costs of pharmaceutical pills with huge profits for some so there is no incentive to change. While others must choose between food or pills. When doctors teach patients about healthy ingredients, nutrients, healing modalities and get to the root-cause of illness, it gives citizens the power over their health and new choices & options to thrive.

WHEREAS, A monopoly on doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies, insurance, big tech, regulatory bodies, gov’t, and programming that have corporate capture and funding by the very industries that benefit from illness, it creates a system of censorship, debunks and restricts advertising of healing treatments, suppresses life-saving modalities and off-label protocols scientifically designed for optimal health.

WHEREAS, The medical industry is called to adhere to ‘The Precautionary Principle’ (first do no harm) and the ‘right to try act’ is in place to help those as a last effort and the ‘American Academy of Environmental Medicine has called for a moratorium on GMO foods and solutions for healthcare workers, and awareness of modern-day SAD diseases, it is not enough, we must train our practitioners on the true pathways of health, open the doors to insure that all citizens have the right and education to overcome health challenges affordably.

NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that Government and HHS will stand in support of its citizens health over the profits of the corporation, giving the power back to the people to choose their strategic & specific health care modalities of choice, be it a functional or holistic medical practitioner that works in the best interest of the individuals own unique biochemistry.

May it be the right of each citizen to refuse medicines, vaccines and toxic adjuvants, to articulate and request desired protocols with the support of their physician or medical worker, insurance, and hospital in a holistic patient-doctor centered partnership approach utilizing these ten (10) adjunct healing modalities and the ‘right to try’ (but not limited to) the following protocols for optimized whole-body wellness:

  1. Hyperbaric Oxygen/Ozone
  2. Chelation Therapy/IV Nutrition
  3. Chiropractic/Acupuncture/Medical Cupping/Cranial Sacral
  4. Stem Cells from your Plasma
  5. Dense Organic Whole Foods, Herbs, Minerals, Nutrients, Homeopathy
  6. Thermography (Thermal Imaging)
  7. Psychedelic Therapy
  8. On or Off-label Pharmaceuticals like Ivermectin, Peptides, Hydroxychloroquine, Methylene Blue
  9. Holistic Counseling, Holistic Dental, Functional, Integrative, Nutritionists and Holistic Practitioners.
  10. Grounding, Nature Therapy, Strategic Exercise Plans, Sunshine Therapy Mindfulness Techniques, Biofeedback, Bio-resonance, Frequency, or any Scientifically-backed Healing Modality of Choice from your doctor.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Government, HHS, Healthcare & Insurance industry shall recognize, promote, encourage, support the patients ‘right to try’ said modalities, for price-points to be fair for all and for medical schools to train, educate, add to curriculum in schools, science, the importance of said tools in aiding the optimal health & healing of each citizen equally for all.

Passed and adopted this _________ day of month, year.

Attest: _____________________________________


Please add Methylene blue to #9. Research has been done by Dr. Francisco Gonzales-Lima. Fda would not accept his 20 years of documentation and Research because it was done in Mexico. Methylene blue can stop Alzheimer’s so it doesn’t progress once diagnosed. It has been around since 1876 and it is the first synthetic drug. Dr. Mercola has information and interview on his website.


Thank you, I concur!
Currently all proven modalities requested in participation with your holistic care practitioner of choice are on the board! (not limited to what is listed) all are welcomed in this resolution! Note: (Many are not listed as there are too many to count). Will consider adding at my next round of edits. Thank you for your participation and thoughtful edit! Best!


As an MS patient, I struggle having to spend every cent in healthy foods and modalities, cause insurance does not cover anything that could help me, instead they just try and push their bandaid drugs.


Thank you, @Andre17 !! So many are suffering needlessly, let’s fix this!! :smiley:



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Please fix the MEDICARE ‘conundrum’ decision about covering RFA microwave treatment of Thyroid Nodules. Medicare will only cover “removing” my perfectly working thyroid. They will NOT Pay to fix it. RFA cost $5k+ to remove each large nodule. I’m 65, retired on a budget. I pay $6796 annually for Medicare & Supplemental yet I get no help with this. My Endocrinologist says John Hopkins has a code for RFA and has been in discussions with them for 3yrs now! Medicare hasn’t reached a decision, they are still THINKING ABOUT IT. Oct. 2024 covered a story about this amazing treatment only rich people can afford. Waiting waiting waiting for Medicare to make a section for 3 yrs. Please do.


Thank you for voting for my health resolution! @Sauvage777 , @Andre17 , @shawn_miller1, @jodibar, @Meagan_Tara_Morrison, @Barb63, @Rouso , @StephV91 , @Underthewings2, @Nikki1224 ,


Thank you for VOTING for my HEALTH RESOLUTION for ALL citizens! @Bruce_Stanley , @kterry83 , @Philippijoy , @ddeyo850 , @tiffanyxcarter , @DebraSarran , @BringBackGlory, @cellojo , @Wendums


I appreciate you as a friend and for taking the time to put this together.

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Food Health Education Announcements

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Dr. Mehmet Oz new pick to oversee Medicare, Medicaid! I’d write to him now!

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Hear, hear! What about holistic practitioners who are NOT medical doctors? Truly holistic therapies usually don’t well when done by minds which were indoctrinated by the mainstream model.


@HolisticThinker In this above resolution, it is up to the citizen to choose their practitioner and/or modality of choice. Please will you click the link here to vote for this resolution? Thanks! Resolution for health and citizens ‘right to try’ healing modalities

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Per your request, i have added your chosen modalities! Thanks, everyone + @Bitch1956


Thank you for signing @DDElliot :grinning:

Food-and-Nutrition-Service Food Food-and-Drug-Administration Food Health Health Health-Department Dep-of-Health National-Institutes-of-Health United-States-Department-of-Health-and-Human-Services

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Hi everyone! Thank you for signing my health resolution to bring wellness modalities for healing into the mainstream for all to experience! Please, if you’re passionate about regenerative health, will you consider voting by clicking this link? Thanks in advance! Right to Try all Health & Wellness Modalities! Food Health Education Detailed-Contribution United-States-Department-of-Health-and-Human-Services Dep-of-Health Food-and-Drug-Administration United-States-Department-of-Education

More simply:

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Thank you all for so very much for voting for our ‘right to try’ complementary adjunct health modalities outside of the big-pharma model that is welcomed, recognized as beneficial by a qualified and well-trained Doctor patient/hospital setting, designed for each individuals optimal healing and that is affordable for all! Please VOTE here for optimal wellness modalities for ALL!

Considering how it seems to be known by many that sleep, diet, and stress affect the frequency and severity of HSV (herpes/cold sores) outbreaks and this does not seem to be frequently discussed by the medical community when considering management options, I think some alternatives may certainly worth exploring or promoting. Some may have minimal cost or risk and yet be very effective.

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