FBI #NFA #ATF CIA United-States-Department-of-Agriculture Education-Department Defense-Department Education Health Liberty Economy
I’m not saying I’d be the “ideal” candidate, but if I were running for (and subsequently elected) president, these are the items I would focus on. At all cost.
Tighten up the military. Roll back the PFT standards to their most rigorous and demanding. Tighten up the gaps between men and women’s standards. Remove the trans agenda. We’re building war machines, not social experiments. Let’s tighten the defense budget. Stop paying weapons and avionics corporations to play around in the lab. They can bring finished products to us to buy. Or not. Stop military divisions from burning fuel simply so they can have the same or bigger budget next period. They can have what they need when they need it. No need to burn fuel. Same for Ammo dumps. Millions of dollars per annum are wasted simply so military installations can guarantee next years’ budget. Driving up the cost for civilians. Knock it off.
Tighten the border. Finish the wall. A wall doesn’t mean “keep out” it means “Use the door!”Deport ALL the illegal migrants. All of them. And their babies. I don’t care which country they’re from.
Abolish the NFA, GCA, ATF. Full stop. The second amendment IS absolute. Gun manufacturers would be angry at first, claiming prices would be forced to drop. But the reality would be that the first few years the prices would likely skyrocket until supply meets demand. Generating valuable tax revenue. Open carry, concealed carry, back windows of truck can carry. Any adult who’s kid injures himself or others will pay a severe penalty financially, possibly serve prison time, and face potential removal of right to own firearms.
Any agency of Law Enforcement, agent, or associate who abuses their position and molests the citizens will face intervention on behalf of the citizens. Grey areas will be judged in the civilians favor until guilt is proven. Bad cops will not be cops.
National weed legality. States still have the right to regulate. If they want. Employers can regulate also. At their peril.
Tear the CIA apart. No more spying on Americans. Again, bad cops will no longer be cops. Full pardon to Snowden and others like him. He’s a hero, not a traitor.
Dismantle the FBI. Agents who prove loyal to the country can stay on in a new development, transfer to another agency, or retire. Jail for any federal law enforcement agent acting against the best interest of American citizens. Bad cops will not be cops.
Reduce the salaries of, and remove life-long pensions for congress, president, vice president, etc. Full stop. Get paid to work like everyone else. If you choose to not attend work, your pay will reflect that. Also remove the ability for congress to vote themselves pay raises.
Halt foreign aid. It’s enough that this country is the “World Police”. No more financing countries who cannot manage their own finances. Congress cannot and must not take money from the dinner table of American citizens and give to foreigners.
I have a plan to reform elementary education. Ask me about it sometime. Truly. A method to encourage kids to grow at their own pace. And no graduating kids til they’ve accomplished the grade minimums. Encourage each child to grow as rapidly as they desire. If an 8 year old has satisfied early the requirements for his math class, he can start in next grades assignments if he chooses.
Create a federal mandate that provides immediate death penalties for people who kill, touch, rape, molest or otherwise torment children. Executions will be made public. Make Federal money available to provide armed response teams at schools who want them. Gun violence will be dealt with swiftly. No more blaming law-abiding citizens.
ALL KIDS, 19 years and under get free, rapid, and unlimited health care, by the professionals of their choice. Period.
People born with physical or mental deficiencies that prohibit them working and gaining financial/medical Independence on their own also get free health care. All K-12 students will also have access to mental health care AT SCHOOL. This is to include periodic check-ins with counselors. If sally says Johnny is cutting himself or Ben says Johanna is pulling the wings off flies in class, teachers will be required to investigate and school psychologists will be required to intervene. Parents will be immediately involved. Mental health needs to be a priority.
Remember the presidential physical fitness plan? Yeah, bring that back in full force. And PHYSICAL ED is every day. One hour minimum. Every day. Municipalities who subsidize youth sports will benefit from having healthier kids. Municipalities who would rather subsidize drug dependence and abuse will be penalized.
Promote fossil fuel manufacturing. Energy independence is a priority for economic recovery. Also, penalize suppliers of fuels who engage in practices that abuse the consumers. Yes, we are a capitalist nation, but no longer will oil barons thrive while Americans freeze, or starve as a choice between fuel and food.
Pharmaceutical companies better take a good look at the state of Americans health. Remove funding for any company who abuses the ability of Americans to feed themselves. Creating the disease and providing the cure will no longer be the status quo. It will become a long-lost meme. If not, federal intervention may become necessary to break up the villainous mega-corporations and monopolies. In fact, I’d argue that it MUST BE NECESSARY to sever relationships between pharmaceutical companies, farms, and food production facilities.
No more federally backed loans.
No federal government mandated Insurance policies.
Everything the government mandates or subsidizes causes middle class Americans to fall further and further down the economic ladder.
No more subsidies for tobacco or sugar. And speaking of sugar, the FDA and USDA will be tasked with investigating the unnecessary additions of sugars and growth hormones in foods, and removing them. Starches also. Obesity is the leading cause of health disorders in this nation. It’s time to fix it.
Abolish the IRS. Work on a fair way to implement a consumption tax. No taxes on used goods. No taxes on food. No taxes on household energies. No taxes on babies needs. Higher taxes for luxury items. Your 75” television is as much a luxury as your neighbor’s 2 million dollar Bugatti.
For folks who do the “urban homestead” or similar, give this message: Energy independence is for everyone. If you want to own a home, in town or out, collect your rainwater. Collect solar energy. Or wind. Pump your own water if you’re able. No longer will the feds intervene. Local minicipalities will be prohibited from outlawing independence. Common sense will prevail; If the water shed is garbage, don’t dig a well. If a municipality poisons a watershed to prevent citizens use of it, no law in existence or in theory can protect that municipality from the impending lawsuits, either from the citizenry or elsewhere.
Veteran homelessness must end. All municipalities will be encouraged to sort out a method of curing the homeless situation. No tent cities. Instead, create villages of tiny homes, with health and social care, and job development. Make it competitive. Encourage local benefactors. Homeless vets MUST be provided the means to get off the street, clean up, get jobs. Then they can either buy their tiny home permanently, or move into their own space somewhere else. These tiny communities will need convenience stores, laundry facilities, fast food, maintenance workers, etc. Adding jobs and income, thus becoming a value to the community. Pride in self turns to pride in community. And vice-versa. Community pride becomes a value for everyone, and sets an example for others to follow.
Finally, it’s time for the government to interfere, LIGHTLY, in the real estate market. It’s time to begin forming ways to punish land barons who are fleecing potential homeowners. Also, STRIP corporations from practicing home renting schemes that are designed to trap Americans into perpetual renter-ship. Current economic climates are stacked against folks who weren’t able to take advantage of home ownership prior to 2020, meaning: those who couldn’t buy a home before 2020 likely never will be able to. The vast majority of renters today have resigned to the idea that they will never be able to own. That is in strict defiance of The American Dream.
The broadcast media/Mainstream Media will be at all times under the tightest scrutiny. Their position was never to be a tool of the government to suppress information or oppress the civilians. Any corporation pushing narratives designed to suppress information, divide the citizenry, or contribute to an overreaching government entity will be dealt with. Fines first, ultimately leading to dismantling.
Finally, The job of President was intended to protect the common man. Not just from foreign invasion, but from enemies within as well. No longer will the government be a tool used to punish the civilians. It’s a civil service, not a weapon. Anyone suspected of weaponizing either of the three branches of government against the common man will be treated as an enemy of the state, and tried for treason.