Our country has fallen away from focusing on the family and our society, world, and culture have suffered for it. We are one of the only (if not the only) modernized nations to not provide consistent or strong parental and family leave. How can we provide a strong parental leave without it being a government regulation or mandate on employers? One way would be to provide a sliding scale of tax breaks to companies who provide increasing benefits for parental and family leave. This would create an incentive for companies to offer longer parental leaves with greater benefits to every employee willingly and also allow for further market competition for employees seeking this benefit.
I proposed something similar. Would you please view it? It’s called “Paid Federal Maternal Leave, Unpaid Intermittent Leave & college flexibility.”
I lightly read over it as I don’t have time at this moment for a deep dive. I’d say you’re 100% on to something. When my husband and I first were dating we had a lot of deep conversations on things like how do we reduce abortion without it being an outright ban as that doesn’t stop people. I agree that policies can be put in place to incentivize and encourage moms-to-be who have various concerns to keep their child. I don’t know all what policies would help with that specifically, but a wholistic approach with many different angles and benefits would be best for appealing to most people in need. It would also need to be evaluated that it’s not just another program that encourages single parenthood for benefits alone as that doesn’t help the kids when they’re growing up. We need to have a strong investment in parents of young kids to strengthen American families.