Outlaw Islamic Sharia (law): it SUPERSEDES our Constitution as the "law of the land"

I didn’t say it was written in the 80’s. Reread the posts and do research beyond the propaganda.

What you are referencing is a rejuvenation of the values and culture that has existed for 7 centuries.

If I wrote a document today supporting the death of heretics and the enforcement of Deuteronomy, it still wouldn’t have made these ideas or writings any more modern. They’re still reruns of the same old tyranny, on both sides.

Sharia Law is an ancient foundational, and heavily disputed part of Islamic belief systems.

Y’all just digging yourselves deeper.

No I am not. You keep bringing up the Bible which has nothing to do with this topic.

How? How does outlawing an Abrahamic practice, and supporting bible-only oaths bc ‘Muslims are liars’ have nothing to do WITH THE JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN VERSIONS OF THE SAME MENTALITY.

Thus the solution being secular oaths.

You act like we are in danger from the values of Islam, yet they’re values shared by each religion.

Pure hypocrisy.

Also, the fact that OP mentioned Sharia Law courts in the UK, but not Jewish courts. Double standard.

I posted another comment earlier but it is awaiting review.

Go back and read the comments and watch the video. This current day happening and it is about a war plan. No they are abosultey not shared values. I think you are missing a lot of information about what the values actually are. It’s not hypocrisy because it is not at all the same. Watch the video.

The policy is clear. I still support it.

Edit ^ this comment by copying and pasting to subvert their approval censorship.

I directly stated the exact text above, which says that the Jews must kill their wives, children, and entire towns if they worship a false god.

How is that different?

Supremacy Clause and the 1st Amendment makes these threats invalid. Any true action to subvert the US Constitution through lies has to be solved through direct action, not the subversion of rights.

Whats clear is you support bigotry and the subversion of the rights guaranteed in our Constitution through blind hypocrisy.

Ethan I’ve said all I have to say. I am not a bigot or hypocrit. That doesn’t work on me because I absolutely know that I am not. I will not support anyone that follows a war plan. I will not support anyone who thinks they should make their daughters marry 40 year old relatives. And yes this happens in the United States today. I will support the policy regardless of how many names I am called.

There is a post pending as I noted previously so when that posts it will seem new I guess.

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You dont have to agree with what they say, but they should have a right to say it. Enforcement of religious values and establishment of a religion is already unconstitutional. The entirety of this proposal is redundant policy baked in fear.

Im sure you arent a bigot or a hypocrite. But to say that these are specifically Islamic values is extremely close minded and hypocritical, and to target only Sharia courts when the same thing is happening with Jewish courts in the UK is bigotry.

I’m sorry, I want to stop, but my values prevent it. Im sure you’re a great person, idk.

Neo-Nazis will always have the right to make themselves look stupid, and always have the opportunity to lie in order to get elected for their agendas.

I’m not talking about a freedom of speech issue. It’s actual actions. Do you think if a foreign Country is making a plan to integrate into our society to get into positions in order to subvert our Constitution that we should do nothing?

I think it is appropriate to take the steps to protect the Constitution. It’s already being done in 11 States with some legislation. It’s not a violation of our Constitution. I understand the need and desire to balance it. I am all for protecting the Constitution.

Do you think that parents should be able to force their daughters to marry a 40 year old Uncle? I know someone whose neighbor was being made to do this by sending the girl to another Country. There is also the recent story of the parents who tried to strangle their daughter for refusing to be flown to another Country for the same issue. That’s the community decision that happens where the parents decide the daughter will marry the Uncle. That’s not freedom.

We should absolutely do something. Which could include Congress from barring religiously oriented courts, including Sharia Law Courts and Beth Din Courts.

Even though it’s redundant.

Subverting rights, and outlawing Quran-Oaths (something that’s already unconstitutional, that being the requirement of a religious text to take an oath) is not the solve. It’s a bandaid on an already infected wound.

Citizen involvement is the only solve. Constitutional enforcement is the only solve.

I would gladly support this if it was inclusive of all religious.


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You’re like a broken record when you keep equating Jews and Christians with Islamists.
When was the last time a Jew (or Christian) “killed their wives, children, and entire towns if they worship a false god”? Yet Islamist still do it daily. NO… all Abrahamic “religions” are NOT the same TODAY. It’s a FALSE equivalency that does not stand up to any kind of scrutiny. Jews and Christians (J&C) do not practice ancient barbaric rites; Islamists do. There have been 42,000 Islamic terror attacks since 9/11. How have J&C in the name of their “religions” done similarly? When have they forced 9 year old little girls to marry 50 year-old men, become sex slave, undergo female genital mutilation, blamed the women when they are raped and then stone them, beat, raped and beheaded large numbers of men, women and children (not just in Israel; it’s done in Africal daily by Boko Harem and others)… etc. Where is the “equivalency” in the ACTIONS of these so-called “Abrahamic” religions?
That is NOT to say that the Globalists don’t do the same things that the Islamists do since we can see them following the same kind of destructive plan with their political “religons” such as DEI, LGBTQ, ANTIFA, UN Agenda 2030, etc…

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So Israel bombing civilian infrastructure, annexing territory (North Gaza), and removing their population isn’t all under the Geneva definition of genocide?

Our government isn’t bought out by Israeli lobby? They boasted that 100% of Israeli lobbied seats won their election in the US.

Just because a group did it in the past means that new people are incapable of such crimes in the future?

By not recognizing that you could easily change this proposal to include Beth Din courts, which are just as numerous in the UK as Sharia law courts, you prepetuate a mentality of bigotry towards 1/3 of Abrahamic sects.

Mormans be doing the horrible child marriage all the time, they’re Christian. Why not make a policy inclusive of ALL religions. It’s really not that hard, unless you guys support the existance of Morman courts or Beth Din over Sharia Law courts.

You make this policy, oriented towards Islam, than we’d just have to make another just like it when the next fanatic group starts.

Not only is this redundant, but it’s longevity is extremely short sighted in terms of societal evolution.

Oh, so Israel isn’t a part of this? They’re innocently lobbying for our country to halt the process of the International Criminal Court, because omg they arent doing anything wrong they’re ‘defending themselves’


Netanyahu himself in Congress 2000 & 2001 enouraged the US to invade Iraq under the false pretense of WMD, along with he suggested the US invasion of Iran and Libya.

But ofc, if Israel does these things, it’s not the same. They could have easily used black-op techniques to go in, and liberate the hostages captured on the 7th, yet instead the bombed the entire civilian area, and have captured over 8,000 people and classified all of them, babies included, as POWs. The classification of children as POWs is a war crime, and as such devictimizes civilian casualties. Even if they were kid-soldiers, international law required deprogramming, not POW imprisonment.

I guess their own soldier casualties are more of a priority to the Israeli government than the casualties of non-involved innocents, since new-age carpet bombing was the solution.

But yea, it’s just islam.

You have a few problems with your “analysis”: 1. Israel was attacked on Oct. 7. Had the same thing happened to USA, that would have been over 40,000 butchered, raped and beheaded. What would YOU have done in that situation. All nations have a right to retaliate against an attack like that. The consequences to the attackers and the 95% of their civilians who supported (your “non-involved citizens”), a few thousand of who streamed through the border fences and did the majority of the raping, killing, etc… It’s up to the victims of an aggression to decide how they want to retaliate. It’s not up to a third party using pubic opionion and FAKE NEWS to dictate. 2. You cneed to look up the word “genocide” and start expanding your news sources since you are now merely a really good mouthpiece for Hamas’ FAKE NEWS and PaliWood productions; You’re doing a great job of repeating ONLY their and the UN stats (which they get from Hamas as well). You provided ZERO evidence of “genocide.” You didn’t even mention Hamas’ killing some of their own citizens from whom they are withholding food, medicine, etc… much of which is supplied by ISRAEL (3000 calories per day for anybody who needs it. 3. Everybody lobbies American UNIPARTY Congress that is controlled by any country who has the means to extort or blackmail them. Why shouldn’t Israel look out for its own interests if they can? (That’s why all lobbying needs to be OUTLAWED). I don’t blame them for doing whatever they can to protect their interests. Doesn’t everyone else, including the Islamist (CAIR, Ilhan Omar, Talib, etc.)? 4. Again, my suggestion is not toward the 80% peaceful “reformed” Muslims who assiduously DISREGARD all the fundamental violent, racist, and horrible aspects of the 20% “jihad” and POLITICAL Islamic Imperialism and authoritarianism. It’s their treatment of young girls (and boys) and women, and the other MAIN comments I made which you completely failed to address in my previous post about whom my suggestion was addressed.

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‘the IDF Brig Gen Itzik Cohen told Israeli reporters that since troops had been forced to enter some areas twice, such as Jabaliya camp, there would be “no return” to their homes for any residents of the northern Gaza Strip.’

The IDF publically declared the annexation of north Gaza and publically stated their goal to forcefully removed the Gaza population, which is genocide/ethnic cleansing under the Geneva Convention.

‘To constitute genocide, there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.’

Hamas is not a nation, but a radical group/poliical party. All of Israeli support comes from the US. Israel is a government, who like anyone else, has to be held accountable for their actions. Cali just sent 50mil to Israel and lowered their fire response budget by 17mil.

Yea, this is what Israel is doing to our politicans. AIPAC allocates funds to all election campaigns and has lobbyied for every seat of Congress.

If you truely believe in the uniparty, you must agree we are past the point of outlawing a religious ideology.

There is only one 1776 style solution to corrupt, paid-for politicans. Including the return to Constitutional representative functionality, and absloute enforcement of rights.

I do not support the existance of Palestine, Hamas, or Israel. All of which hinge on the destruction of each other, which is clearly stated in the video you shared above. Ethnic states have no place in the modern world.

They can, but it doesn’t need to invlove my tax dollars, nor should the international community condone the destruction of the homes, hospitals, and schools of people. They have special forces, use them.

Therefore, you should make his policy inclusive of all subversive religious doctrines and legal structures including Beth Din.

I mentioned that Mormans do the same shit, they’re Christian. Where is the inclusion of Morman legal structures? Epstine had direct connections to Massad. It’s terrible, and US law already restricts this.

These statements contradict each other. Which is it, are 80% peaceful or is 95% terrorists?

No it isn’t. This mentality suggests that if cartel members attacked the US, that the US has the right to invade Mexico. That’s stupid. ‘B-but they did it first!’ Just no.

Alright, I expect you to to pause the hypocrisy and apply this to every government. By your mentality Soviet/PRNK gulags were justified, Chinese internment and sterilization of Uighers is justified, the Trail of Tears was justified, and the expansion of Germany in the 1930s & '40s was justified by your logic. Got it. Governments should be able to protect their interest whatever the cost? Right? So Iran-Contra was justified, the Bay of Pigs was justified?

Government must be held accountable for their actions, regardless of who they are or what they believe. They do NOT have free reign to protect their interests in any form.

The only way forward is to end all foreign support, and condemn all religious conflict. Our government has too many issues to be delving into religious strife.

It is you who simply chooses not to acknowledge reality, that there is no ‘good guy’ in this conflict.

  • Taken a defensive stance, rather than a formal offensive.
  • Preformed special-ops in order to liberate all captives held by Hamas.
  • Close the Border.
  • NOT bomb civilian infrastructure.
  • Utilize the highly regarded ‘Iron Dome’ that’s boasted about all the time to prevent indirect strategic and tactical attacks on infrastructure.
  • Take a extremely limited amount of POWs, as the strategic plan would be hostage liberation and not territorial expansion. Therefore no management of a foreign population would be necessary. Only targeted Hamas officials and ranked members should have been detained. (There were ~157 Nazis tried at Nuremberg, out of millions of Nazi sympathizers)
  • Utilize diplomacy to seperate the Palestinian governance from the Hamas political organization/proxy army as well as is possible.

I would support ^ this Israel, but alas, that’s not what they did.

I did post additional comments but they have not approved them. There are videos out there. Look up Facts for Peace and PJ Media Watch.

I am agreeing with the elimination of religious courts and the policy. I am not targeting a religion at all. Anyone, any group that is practicing massive abuse and/or attempting to take over our Country needs action taken to prevent their behaviors.

I agree, glad there’s some middle ground.

Oh lookie here, the 1st Amendment and Supremacy clause has done it for us. Done! Ig redundant bureaucracies never hurt anyone.

So this proposal needs inclusive measures for all religious legal structures. Beth Din and Sharia Law courts are two sides of the same coin.

Along with radical Islam’s direct threats to the US from multiple sources, AIPAC funds most elections and has boasted on social media that all their lobbying seat won their elections. Monied politicis and foreign influence is a direct threat to democracy and the functionalities of Constitutional representation that only the following can help to solve:

  • The apportionment of representatives and direct taxes per district and state populations.
  • Congressional term limits and median pay based on district and state incomes.
  • Financial transparency through election campaign caps, lobbying caps, and publicized tax records.
  • The dissolution of the bipartisan system and superPACs for a nonpartisan constituent system.
  • The redefinition of legal structures, and the retention and application/enforcement of rights on/in/throughout legal structures (corporations).
  • Single issue legislation and publication of said legislation as per the late US Statutes at Large.
  • Enforced financial/tax record transparency for members of public office.
  • A complete ban on active stock and bond trading for members of public office.

AIPAC is a totally different topic. I have actually proposed policy on here for lobbiests. That is all lobbiests not specific to AIPAC.

But I think you are missing information about what is actually going on. I did try to post some comments with information but they have not approved them. So I don’t know as though I can relay that information to you. You will have to look up what is really going on in the area and this abuse group. Without doing that you don’t understand that this is not a religion. It is a war plan and massive abuse.

Edit this comment ^ and paste what you want to say. Tag me too. Then delete the pending one.

Deuteronomy LITERALLY DEMANDS THE EXACT SAME THING as Sharia law. Ending in a unity world government of the ‘chosen’. By that logic, Judaism isnt a religion either.

It can’t be a seperate topic. Most issus of mismanagement and misspending of our taxes (foreign aid) is due to the COMPLETE lack of representation and overt unapportioned taxation → along with the bidding for votes within the auction that is congress.

Unless we get these mfs out, and real people in, it will continue.

You are going in circles and missing the point Ethan.

Please do your research and stop pointing fingers elsewhere.

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