Determine true nature of Islam

Designate the Muslim religion as the source of most terrorism mandated and evident by the khoran. Void it’s status as a religion and outlaw any form of Sharia.

Given that I can’t get any traction for simply revoking the ‘church’ of Satan’s religious tax-exempt status on here, I doubt this one’s going to go anywhere. No offense intended.

I think, if you wanted to try a different angle, some people might be able to get on board with outlawing sharia being enforced on the public, however. The local Muslims were starting to do that in England when I was there years ago. They’d form up muslim citizen patrols, sharia police in essence, and harass women in the street for what they were wearing or people going into or out of a bar, etc, trying to enforce their religious practices on everyone else. I was nearly spit on for holding hands for safety with my fiancé walking across a slippery wooden bridge, for example, and that was more than twenty years ago. I can only imagine what it’s like now.

I don’t know it for a fact, but I’ve heard of more extreme things happening in Europe, to the point that women in some places are too afraid to go outside. I’ve heard that non-muslim women are being intimidated into wearing head scarves to avoid rape, etc. I don’t know if the reports are true or not, but it sounds very likely to me.

As usual, people likely won’t believe it could happen here in America. It totally could and maybe it is, I haven’t kept up on it. I don’t have the emotional energy to deal with this one, but there’s my two cents for whatever it’s worth.