The law should be that anyone who violates the Bill of rights or tries to remove them in any form or fashion should be prosecuted as a traitor of the United States of America. The people should face a trial in which the evidence is proven that they have violated American law. Anyone who sits in government and tries to remove the Constitution’s Bill of rights, or violates a person’s rights, should be prosecuted in a court of law. Evidence has to be proven to prosecute such violations. Any state who violates the Constitution should lose government funding or help from the US government. Government agencies must withdraw from the state until that state has aligned with the policies of the US constitution. Sanctuary states that violate the Constitution in any way, such as aiding and abetting criminals of federal law, and of Constitutional laws should be questioned and tried for their lack of adherence of the law, therefore also taken as a state that has no say in the House of Representatives, and the Senate, losing their right to have a say in the policies of our government. All amendments that were violated in any form or fashion should result in the death penalty. Vote to legalize certain things. Vote to ban others. Make it impossible to allow states to violate federal law in any way. If a law results in the deaths of children, women, or anyone, except for firearms because of the 2nd amendment, then it should be voted on by the three branches of government to remove it or keep it. Overall, no more party systems, or lobbying to win over senator’s, and congressmen with special interests. Illegalize those practices of special interests, along with bribes of money, parties, or other nations interests. A Congress person, or Senator cannot exceed over $50,000 dollars a year. Cannot vote for bills that exceeds 10% of their income per year, per Congress person or Senator. When making a bill, all of them should have both the bill of rights read, along with the founding documents read to remind them that any violation of the Bill of rights will result in prosecution of treason. Any money or aid sent to other nations should be considered as an act of treason, unless a declaration of war is published and laid down as law by the three branches of government. National Defense should be for our nation alone with protection programs that are armed against anything and anyone who violates our airspace. The right to work, no matter what employers say about you, no penalties when fired or quitting. Employment should be if you show up and work, then you get paid, not you pay to work. If you are legally working in the U.S. you automatically get a job. No interviews, and background checks with no consequences. The drug test should be the definitive action to hiring if passed. No required vaccinations. Anyone who violates free speech of any kind should be tried as well. Anyone who inhibits the right to live for anyone should be prosecuted for crimes against the United States, and executed for murder.