Organic America

Make our food all natural again. And stop charging us extra for “health food”. All people deserve to be treated with integrity, dignity, and respect. Stop feeding us food full of pesticides, chemicals, toxins, and poison. The better quality and affordability of our food supply. The better for all of us. The better America. Set a policy for all food service to hold that standard. Organic America.


Surly this is such a better way! I’ve always wondered Why Organic is more costly when no pesticides or engineering goes into it! It must be because of its rarity since these foods are not mass produced.


In general, organic crops are less productive and sometimes more labor intensive, therfore more costly.

Are you suggesting price controls? Eliminating certain non organic farming practices which will raise the price of food? Federal subsidies for organic food?

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The most valuable thing in America is its people. The better our food the more valuable we are. Yes I am suggesting do whatever it takes and do it right. More labor intensive means more jobs. More productivity and easier is not an even trade out for toxic food.


Also if you think of it as preventive healthcare. It would save millions in medical costs. Making universal healthcare more plausible.