Non-organic food: Blackmail and murder

Yes, I know some people have already posted about organic food, but I think they didn’t go far enough. I think we’re used to thinking about this the way we’re shown to think about it and the way we’re shown is not at all sensible.

Putting known poisons on and in your food, forcing you to eat that or pay more to not have the poison is blackmail. Actually, if you think about it, given that people die from cancer from round up, for a specific example, and they knowingly continue to use it in food production, the word here is MURDER.

We’re simply used to seeing people accept it and nowadays if we get sick, we’re actually blamed for not ‘choosing’ to buy the more expensive and harder to find organic option. As if that makes it okay that the other ‘standard’ option is poison.

This has to change immediately.

We already know how to grow food without pesticides and chemical fertilizers, etc. That’s not special ‘organic’ practices, that’s normal. That’s how humanity has always grown food. These chemicals are the new thing, it’s just that it’s been a couple generations since it started, depending on how you count it, and that makes it seem normal.

Please, I hope we won’t focus in on round up because I mentioned it. It’s ALL of the chemicals. It’s all the GMO stuff, the chemical fertilizers, the pesticides, the toxic oils and gums, inverted hydrolyzed whatever substances of any and all sorts that are unnatural and harmful. All of it. Reading the back of a package of what’s supposed to be food is an experience in the unpronounceable. People rightly take up the fight against one substance, which is good, but then even if the government will regulate that one, they replace it with something just as bad or worse.

How can a government that is at least claiming to be benign allow this to happen? Their job is to look after exactly this sort of thing, to coordinate the details of running our civilization, for us, not themselves.


I vote Yes! The “pay more for safe healthy food” or “get your cheap poison” is totally criminal, unethical, and anti-human. It’s so crazy how it’s widely accepted as standard norm.


I want the author and anyone reading this to think about this a lot. I want you to ask yourself if so many would have starved to death during the great dust bowl if they had had the drought tolerant crops we have today because of farming science. There’s no doubt that there is a lot of evil outcomes that have happened with agriculture sciences, there’s been a lot of good from that same evil science, the United States is number one export is agriculture, that number one standing without the evils of that science that means somebody else wouldn’t eat. Organic is a method of growing not a guarantee that a plant that started from a seed isnt spliced antibiotic resistant Gene (often used as a patent marker, and when tissue culture requires it) heirloom organic growing in volcanic ash is great getting all the nutrients in, but Fed is best even when the quality is not. Rabbit hole and find out how many people will not be fed if this was to happen

This is NOT about food snobbery and wanting lux quality items while the masses starve. No, that is not how this is.

Normal growing methods are now called organic only because the poison factories have normalized the artificial methods. Those methods strip the soil of nutrients and the food as well. People may have more bulk to put in their mouths but it’s almost nutrient free and full of water weight and POISON that is making people sick. Killing them sometimes.

It’s good that people aren’t dying of hunger here in America, much, but people are starving for nutrients instead. Why are so many people here sick and obese? It’s not because they’re gluttons, they eat too much because the food has little nutrition in it and their bodies are still hungry because it’s not simply about stuff to chew but eating substances that actually feed you. But if they keep the food hyper tasty with chemicals and studies on how to make the food literally addictive, while keeping it empty of fuel and building materials for our bodies, we’ll eat and eat and more importantly buy and buy and buy. Buy more food, buy more clothes for our expanding bellies, pay our doctors, buy diet pills and gimmicks trying not to be shamed by our mysteriously growing girths, buy more medicine as we get sicker and sicker, more therapies and hospital stays, and the money keeps on rolling in to the coffers of those in control.

No, I’m not going to be told to go sit and think about people who died in the dust bowl as if I ought to be ashamed of nay saying this obviously rigged system of sickness and murder designed to milk the populace literally to death for dirty money.


The answer to this would to focus on healthier, safer farming practices and just do more of it. Feeding people poison so they can stay alive just causes them to live longer with a greater chance of developing a myriad of detrimental illnesses. If we rotate crops, balance our ecosystems, use greenhouses for longer growing seasons, we produce more crops. It doesn’t have to be an either grow cheap toxic food or die scenario.

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