Nueral Rights

End FISA that is being used on Americans. Federal agencies are able to remote nueral monitor us that they have illegally placed on a Terrorist screening database. We also need Nueral rights passed to protect us.

Proposed neuro-rights include (1) the right to identity, or the ability to control both one’s physical and mental integrity; (2) the right to agency, or the freedom of thought and free will to choose one’s own actions; (3) the right to mental privacy, or the ability to keep thoughts protected against disclosure; (4) the right to fair access to mental augmentation, or the ability to ensure that the benefits of improvements to sensory and mental capacity through neurotechnology are distributed justly in the population; and (5) the right to protection from algorithmic bias, or the ability to ensure that technologies do not insert prejudices.

Government intel agencies are abusing their power and there is no help for victims against the federal agents. Intel agencies won’t investigate their own actions as they allow one of the worse human rights violations to continue. These agents use voice to skull to communicate along with the ability to zap that person to the point where victims find the only way to make it stop is suicide.

There are thousands upon thousands in the the United States who are being viciously attacked by Federal Agents and the agents act as if they are above the law.

Please help us.

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