Non Governmental Organizations

My understanding is that NGOs are exempt from Open Record Requests or Freedom of Information Act. Yet they redirect funding from unknown sources by the billions, then try to influence elections sending non-profit mail to voters with biased claims that are not true. NGOs are a black hole of money laundering. There’s no accountability. I don’t like regulations, but dark money buys corruption. Congress should NOT fund NGOs because there is no transparency. NGOs should not be involved with Elections.


Hi Bonnie,
I voted for your proposal because I think it will be critical in our effort to regain a government…“of the People, by the People, and for the People”.
I appreciate your taking the initiative to forward this policy. NGO’s are an integral part of the Deep State apparatus and need to be held responsible for the treasonous activities they are party to.

In line with that, I’m wondering if you would also take a moment to have a look at my proposal for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission and give it a 'like" if it resonates with you? Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

In my mind, these policies are the only way we will ever get to a full disclosure of the Deep State’s treasonous activities that are responsible for so much of the decline of our sacred Democratic Republic.

And maybe we can work together in some way down the road to merge our efforts in order to bring about these polices?

Thank you so much for being a part of this “Policies for the People” effort. Onward!

Steve Coffman

NGO’s should be prohibited from contributing to politicians, PAC’s, as well as prohibited from using taxpayer money to sending or printing flyers to influence the outcome of elections in ANY WAY! Any involvement in elections, campaigns, or ANYTHING outside the stated purpose of the organization should serve as evidence to retract any tax exempt status they have. Using our tax dollars against us has gone on long enough.

NGO’s should be prohibited from contributing to politicians, PAC’s, as well as prohibited from using taxpayer money to sending or printing flyers to influence the outcome of elections in ANY WAY! Any involvement in elections, campaigns, or ANYTHING outside the stated purpose of the organization should serve as evidence to retract any tax exempt status they have. If NGO’s can’t operate like this then they receive $0 taxpayer monies.