National Voter ID Law

Absolutely! Paper ballots, one day voting and results known on voting day. This is a no brainer if you want accuracy, transparency and freedom to reign.


US citizens only should be permitted to vote in US elections, should be required to show at least one unexpired, government-issued, photo ID in addition to proof of citizenship like a Social Security card, US passport, or US birth certificate, and proof of residence, like a utility bill or lease contract. If a voter cares enough to vote on election day, they should care enough to make sure they have the necessary documents to vote on election day. Paper ballots only, hand count only, no machines. Federal ban on ranked choice voting because itā€™s unconstitutional. Ballots, including absentee from overseas military (Iā€™m a veteran who once voted overseas via absentee) must be received by 8 pm election day or close of polls, which means absentee ballots must be mailed to voters at least one month before election day. No counting ballots before election day. No more than 3 days of early voting, with the 4th day being election day. Only military, college students, and disabled and elderly may vote by absentee ballots, and only by request. Signatures must be verified. Anyone convicted of voter fraud should receive a felony, AND a minimum of one year in prison, AND a fine of at least $10,000.00, AND lose the right to vote. Non-citizens who participate in voter fraud should be deported immediately, never permitted to enter the country again. Oh, and if your church or denomination discourages voting, do an online search for biblical reasons to vote, and act according to your conscience after hearing both sides.


No provisional ballots or drop boxes. In-person voting and limited, by request only absentee ballots for military, college students, and disabled and elderly. Results on election night.


When non-US-Citizens can be issued differentiating Social Security Cards, IDs can also follow suit.

Voting is a fundamental right only for citizens, each of whom has the right to vote exactly once per election.

Another fundamental right is the right to know that your vote isnā€™t being diluted or canceled out by fraud. Requiring identification to vote is not an undue burden, and it does not amount to voter suppression. Everybody who is conscious is capable of obtaining an id, and nobody who is not conscious should be voting.

Citizenship also carries responsibilities, among them the responsibility to do the bare minimum to qualify to vote, and that bare minimum should be to identify yourself as a citizen. There should also be a serious penalty for attempting to use a fake id to vote.

Voting is not so fundamental a right that people should be enabled to vote without any proof of citizenship or identity who canā€™t even muster the bare minimum level of responsibility to obtain an id, when it is illegal and invalid to vote as a non-citizen and we have tens of millions of illegal aliens in the United States. An id is required for everything else a person does in society, and we could easily make it free to obtain basic id sufficient to vote.


Can anyone here agree a voting ballot serial number system should be institutionalized at all levels of elections? I await your comments.

Yes to voter ID, and a NO to a provisional vote.

If you donā€™t have ID then YOU CANā€™T VOTE. Get your papers in order before voting day if you want to be able to vote, like it has always been. Changing the rules like this is falling for their schemes- it makes weaknesses in our voting system which can and will be exploited. If you care about voting, then get your id in order in time. There is no reason to loosen the voting regulations for the few legitimate people who just couldnā€™t get it sorted in time. There is, however, all sorts of reason to not loosen the regulations and make ways to cheat.

Lyndsey BertoldoLyndsey1


ā€œUS citizens only should be permitted to vote in US elections, should be required to show at least one unexpired, government-issued, photo ID in addition to proof of citizenship like a Social Security card, US passport, or US birth certificate, and proof of residence, like a utility bill or lease contract. If a voter cares enough to vote on election day, they should care enough to make sure they have the necessary documents to vote on election day. Paper ballots only, hand count only, no machines. Federal ban on ranked choice voting because itā€™s unconstitutional. Ballots, including absentee from overseas military (Iā€™m a veteran who once voted overseas via absentee) must be received by 8 pm election day or close of polls, which means absentee ballots must be mailed to voters at least one month before election day. No counting ballots before election day. No more than 3 days of early voting, with the 4th day being election day. Only military, college students, and disabled and elderly may vote by absentee ballots, and only by request. Signatures must be verified. Anyone convicted of voter fraud should receive a felony, AND a minimum of one year in prison, AND a fine of at least $10,000.00, AND lose the right to vote. Non-citizens who participate in voter fraud should be deported immediately, never permitted to enter the country again. Oh, and if your church or denomination discourages voting, do an online search for biblical reasons to vote, and act according to your conscience after hearing both sides.ā€


I agree with everything you said except I donā€™t see why there ought to be any early voting. Perhaps thereā€™s some reason to allow it? Unless thereā€™s some necessity, I donā€™t see any reason to have voting on any day except election day. I especially agree no mail in ballots except the elderly, the military, and college students away from home.

All this stuff people have changed in recent years is obviously to make it so they can cheat, thatā€™s all. We need to stop this nonsense and put things back to how they were. The system was never perfect but it was far better than this. We donā€™t need new rules we need the original rules and we need them enforced. On this subject and all the others.

State issued IDā€™s are a problemā€¦ too many Blue states allow for illegals to get a State issued ID for benefits (which is a whole other issue)

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There is ZERO reason that states donā€™t enforce voter ID

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The point of a voter ID is not to show how responsible someone is. It is to deter corruption and protect the responsible people from those are are NOT responsible. The people who are corrupt and not responsible voters are not the ones who are joining the military.

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ā€œFace ID advanced technology facial recognition required to vote.ā€

Absolutely NOT!!!

Face IDs are a socialist concept.

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Speaking as someone with IT background, any mechanical means for counting votes can be changed to incorrectly tally votes. So, even if the number of votes match, does the actual count by candidate and party match?

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Thats not 100% true i was placed on the roll without any knowledge by qld gov i didnt ask apply or show ID and forced by threats to attend poling place they say to vote u dont ā€œhave to voteā€ just get name marked on roll
If u dont gov fines then takes license then property, so voting is forced by threat of punishment not a right or choice and votes manipulated and exchange beteween main parties called ā€œpreferencesā€ i call fraud and corruption

I think every state should have voter i.d. also to keep illegals frim voting, you should have to present proof ( like a certified birth certificate) that you are a U.S. citizen to get registered

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