National Language Act

An Act making American English the language of the Federal Government which requires all federal forms to be in American English only. Require all green card holders to learn American English if they already have a green card and all future green card applicants to learn American English in order to apply for a green card. Require all future naturalized citizens to learn American English. Require all asylum applicants and those already granted asylum to learn American English (if you’re so scared of where you were from, then you’re desperate enough to learn a new language.)

Keep it Federal only so that there is no stepping on State autonomy. Basically, if you want Federal assistance or to suddenly live here you must speak the language the majority of Americans grew up with for a couple of centuries. Get those new to here to begin to assimilate. Take on American values. How many people came here so long ago who still don’t speak English and their children speak only broken English and their grandchildren are the first to speak fluently?

Back up the Act with “English as a Second Language Class” at any college that accepts federal funding including student loans and grants - at least one class a year. Cost to be shouldered by those signed up and the college if sign up is meager. Sign ups can be ongoing.

Teacher may be a language student of advanced skill or degree to save money. Any excess money from one year must be placed in an account to earn interest until college has a meager year for said class to offset losses. Size of class may not be restricted to “best student teacher ratio” but may be restricted to largest size classroom’s fire code restrictions.

If there are two federally funded colleges in the same town, one must offer a night class while the other a day class. They can decide by mutual agreement or coin toss.

If multiple colleges in the same town receive funding then they can choose for themselves as long as at least one has a day class and one a night class. If all choose one and not the other, they must toss a 20 sided dice and lowest roll must offer the course in the other option. If 2 or more colleges match lowest roll they must all switch to the other option.

If there is only one college in a town then they must offer day course one year and night course the next - alternating each year. If no one signs up, they may switch to the other if there was enough interest the previous year. Ex: Night Course - 25 students signed up. Following year Day Course - zero sign ups by the time “drop course for free” is past. Next day, can switch to a Night Course offering.

“English as a Second Language” would not be a graded class but tests and homework should have scores and at end of course the person should be marked as “Made Progress” or “Failed to Make Progress”. Would not count towards college credit or GED/High School Diploma. No age restriction on students. 9 or 90 would be welcome.


Agree with this policy 100%. We are not a Spanish speaking nation, nor should we be. You nailed it by saying those who apply for citizenship should be assimilated into our culture, not the other way around. We have a rich history and special culture, it should be honored and preserved. We welcome entry, but through a strict legal process.


We have a rich history and special culture precisely because we are a nation of immigrants from the entire world who bring their heritage and language to our mixed salad nation.

I understand there are many Americans who are concerned about the status of English. Hopefully we deal with those issues without upsetting Spanish-speakers and multicultural Americans.


Over the past several decades, The American People have been attacked through woke, America-last, diversity (divide-and conquer) strategies, which have torn apart families, friends, neighbors, and countrymen. These attacks were on purpose, and could clearly be seen being spear-headed by colluding New World Order globalist corporations, who suddenly thought that it was important to start off their corporate messaging systems (all at the same time - in the early 1990s) with non-English greetings and messaging options first, followed by the equivalent English options secondly, even though over 95% of the population was of an English-speaking majority. This was clearly corporate collusion and an attempt to dilute and destroy American culture and tradition. Governments followed suit, with multi-lingual messaging systems, equally promoting other languages in addition to English, even though 95%+ of the callers were English-speaking. This was not a natural evolution of American society – it was forced, since it did not reflect normal population linguistic statistics. From a parametric statistical perspective, it would be akin to an event falling 4+ standard deviations from the norm – highlighting how unnatural it would be in society.

Why did this anomaly become mainstream? Since it appears “forced” that the commonly-used English language take an equal footing to other far less-spoken languages, we might look at what the “intentions” might be, or what might be accomplished by forcing/normalizing this activity.

The most glaring intention would be, to fundamentally weaken and divide a culture or society by lessening or destroying the common bonds and traits shared among a strong and homogeneous “undiverse” people. And so comes the famous woke word “Diversity”, trotted around like it is a societal strength, when it really actually weakens the fabric of a society by slicing and dicing up tradition so that society becomes no longer recognizable to the masses.

Communists know this tactic well – they realize that they must destroy the current fabric of a nation state in order to “re-imagine” a new one, where THEY are in control. So, they chip away at predominate tradition and culture, including re-inventing words, pushing customs to the back burner, changing the way society speaks, and even drowning out the original spoken language with other languages and customs.

Unfortunately, America has been attacked for several decades now but all is not lost – it simply takes time to right this ship because it is so big. A good start is to undo the damage, make English the ONLY national language again, and convey to the rest of the world that, if you desire to come here and be part of American society, you MUST assimilate and not push for more diversity, division, and culture-weakening activities. The first step in healing this “diversity damage” inflicted by these globalist Statists is to return to a common “mother tongue” language. This should be, as it has since been and still is, the English language. National strength comes from “Cohesion and Commonality” and not from “Diversity and Division”. And since our English-speaking Founding Fathers thought it necessary to place concerns about “Speech” at the very top of our Bill of Rights, it might serve to remind us of the importance of addressing any issues regarding our national language with an equal sense of priority and urgency.


There’s no insult to Spanish speaking Americans, but the official language of America is English. It should be a prerequisite to apply for citizenship.


There’s an English requirement.


Exactly. English, is the official language. As a prerequisite for citizenship in American society it should be required to fluently read, write and speak the official language.


Only makes sense. One doesn’t go into a room where 95% of the people speak Japanese, and insist that the television station be turned to a Portuguese-speaking program. Either adapt with the adpoted language of the room, or leave. You don’t justify changing the channel by insisting that the room suddenly learn and understand Japanese and Portuguese with equal proficiency. Even a child can understand this simple concept – it is globally understood.


There’s at least nine versions of this proposal already, so it’s certainly not without support here.


This topic keeps popping up on here. Ive addressed it a few times, but this has a lot of votes so I’ll say it again.

This proposal, just like the proposal to make a national religion, would go against everything the founders stood for. It would also require an constitutional amendment and would make america unamerican.

Please read anything by the founders.

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False, there is no official language of the u.s. and that’s how the founders wanted it.

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This goes against the first amendment, freedom of speech. This is a free country & you’re free to speak whatever language you like. The founders would never do this, which is why it is not in the constitution, & that’s another reason why the federal government would never do this. We are not a dictatorship.

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The founders wanted the people to decide what rules govern the land. The people are American citizens. English is our official language. Go to a grocery store, a bank, drive down the road and read street signs, it’s all in one language. As it should be. Unity comes with one tongue.

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The founders only wanted individuals to be free from tyranny.

This proposal spits in their faces and ignores everything they said about the universal language of individual freedom and liberty.

I will not continue to engage in debate with you until
you start adding primary sources from the founders to your points and justify your proposal.

You obviously dont go to the more diverse areas of the country and cities where multiple languages are on or even english is left off signs.

Agreed. Every country in the world has a “mother tongue” and their respective governments do not put up street signs with 20 different languages on it (for the most part, except in culturally-strong regions - ie: Quebec) – for a reason. They want the people unified in order to promote national strength. You will be hard pressed to call up a Russian government agency and hear any language other than Russian. It is not an accident. (Diversity = Division = Weakness). It is only being done here to cause division (as demonstrated even right now). Calling for a national language does not destroy any rights, it only standardizes the official language used in government-related communications (which makes sense everywhere else in the world, and should apply here as well). That is my 2 cents on it. Some agree, some disagree…and that is healthy debate. :slight_smile:


You make some great points. It’s a matter of respect, I wouldn’t move to another country and expect they accommodate me and my native tongue. I would understand that it would be my obligation to learn how to adapt to the new environment. With that being said, I do believe everyone has a right to honor their heritage, ancestry and culture. Everyone has the right to be proud of where they come from, and we should all be respectful of that right. God decided who we are, when and where we are born. There’s no mistake in that. But why is there this push for entitlement? Where does that come from? I don’t understand that mindset.


What language is the bill of rights and the constitution written in? Ah.
In 1795 it was rejected to provide our constitution in German, or any other language. English only. In 1797, it was again rejected to print in multiple languages. In 1811, the Louisiana Enabling Act required Louisiana to use only English in its government, documents and written proceedings in order to become a state. Who signed this into law? James Madison. Who was he? The President at the time and a founding father.


It does not go against the first amendment. The first amendment protects what you say, how you say it, and what language you say it in - in order to express your individual beliefs as an American citizen. Requiring people who want to become American to learn English does not prevent them from continuing to speak in their native tongue. Having one universal language for all federal forms does not erase their native tongue. Filling out information does not require and in fact discourages self expression.

Annual Income:

What about that is remotely related expressing political or religious or other view points? It’s mostly data. Yet the federal gov has to reproduce that in multiple languages despite the majority of the country speaking English.

It doesn’t prevent a Jewish or Muslim or Hindi or etc… shop from having signs entirely in their native tongue or a Native American from producing art using techniques handed down for centuries nor does it discourage such.

It simply lays out one language for the nation to do national federal business in. Government basic functions. Which is standard in most other countries world wide. You become a citizen of Japan, you learn Japanese. You become a citizen of Norway, you learn Norwegian. You become a citizen of America, you should learn American.


England herself does not have English as the official language. Australia does not have English as the official language. The majority of countries have multiple official languages. On the extreme end, Bolivia has 37 official languages. India has 22…English is one of them and it’s widely used. Language is far from the only factor that binds a nation together and nations around the world are able to manage multiple languages whether official or not.

English is the common language around the world for business. If they don’t already speak it when they get here, under lawful, orderly immigration, immigrants and naturalized citizens do learn English. English as the official language is of no concern to me. I would be more concerned with teaching English only American children to be fluent in another language to compete in the job market with their bilingual/multilingual American counterparts who were raised immigrant families.


Thank you for this idea L. J.! As far as language learning, I recommend that we keep it simple and put the responsibility where it belongs, on the applicant.

How does an impoverished, endangered “refugee” from Ghana get to Central America to begin their journey to the US? They must have purchased expensive intercontinental airfare. How do so many arrive here with new or newish premium brand tennis shoes, jackets, backpacks and cell phones? They either have or are being supplied the necessary funds. Therefore they should be able to sign up for a lifetime membership with Babbel, Rossetta Stone, etc. Lifetime memberships for either is ~$130 right now which is far less than they must pay the Coyotes.

We need only look at other countries rules on immigration to see that even when enforced, our immigration policies are out of touch and suicidal in today’s world. Some countries in Europe are in similar situations as except on a comparitively miniscule scale.

Check out Mexico’s rules for asylem seekers and be amazed. Mimimum bank balance requirement, proof of employment with a minimum monthly wage, must remain in the state where the claim was made and check in in person every week until a decision on it has been made. Failure to check in 2 weeks in a row voids their claim and they are deported. These common sense rules keep down potential drain on their welfare system and keep the applicant where they can be located.

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