An Act making American English the language of the Federal Government which requires all federal forms to be in American English only. Require all green card holders to learn American English if they already have a green card and all future green card applicants to learn American English in order to apply for a green card. Require all future naturalized citizens to learn American English. Require all asylum applicants and those already granted asylum to learn American English (if you’re so scared of where you were from, then you’re desperate enough to learn a new language.)
Keep it Federal only so that there is no stepping on State autonomy. Basically, if you want Federal assistance or to suddenly live here you must speak the language the majority of Americans grew up with for a couple of centuries. Get those new to here to begin to assimilate. Take on American values. How many people came here so long ago who still don’t speak English and their children speak only broken English and their grandchildren are the first to speak fluently?
Back up the Act with “English as a Second Language Class” at any college that accepts federal funding including student loans and grants - at least one class a year. Cost to be shouldered by those signed up and the college if sign up is meager. Sign ups can be ongoing.
Teacher may be a language student of advanced skill or degree to save money. Any excess money from one year must be placed in an account to earn interest until college has a meager year for said class to offset losses. Size of class may not be restricted to “best student teacher ratio” but may be restricted to largest size classroom’s fire code restrictions.
If there are two federally funded colleges in the same town, one must offer a night class while the other a day class. They can decide by mutual agreement or coin toss.
If multiple colleges in the same town receive funding then they can choose for themselves as long as at least one has a day class and one a night class. If all choose one and not the other, they must toss a 20 sided dice and lowest roll must offer the course in the other option. If 2 or more colleges match lowest roll they must all switch to the other option.
If there is only one college in a town then they must offer day course one year and night course the next - alternating each year. If no one signs up, they may switch to the other if there was enough interest the previous year. Ex: Night Course - 25 students signed up. Following year Day Course - zero sign ups by the time “drop course for free” is past. Next day, can switch to a Night Course offering.
“English as a Second Language” would not be a graded class but tests and homework should have scores and at end of course the person should be marked as “Made Progress” or “Failed to Make Progress”. Would not count towards college credit or GED/High School Diploma. No age restriction on students. 9 or 90 would be welcome.