National judicial college transparency/reform/conflicts of interest

The national judicial College educates federal judges however what is clear is at the college educates the judges on policies that are in direct conflict with some cases that the federal judge is overseeing. This is an absolute conflict of interest. I believe that it is necessary to go back and analyze all cases federal judges, have overseen, and how many of them have been “” educated“ or actually influenced by the national judicial College to see if there are any conflicts of interest in education the Federal judge is obtaining outside of being a judge And the parties that are seeking justice within the courtroom. It is unfortunate that in many cases, the parties in the courtroom are uneducated on the high-level of the conflict of interest that could occur and are unaware that the Judge is being manipulated by outside forces through the national judicial college. What is also clear is that large money donations supply the college with funds that include interests contrary to those of parties before the court. Because these are very “complex” cases the public is unaware of the conflict of interest, and the fact that the judges are act violating the ethical code of the court. I personally have been involved in a case in California in which the judge overseeing our case was “educated“ by the judicial college, and The law firm of opposing counsel was a huge contributor to the judicial college. The law firm represented a large number of governmental/municipal Interest in direct conflict with mine. I believe the federal judge possibly did not fully understand the interest play so did not realize he was being manipulated.