A frustrating aspect of having a physical address with standard mail box or a PO Box is the receipt of unwanted mail. The excess mail can clutter and overfill the storage capacity such that wanted important mail is not deliverable.
This policy would create a Do Not Mail list that would attempt to mitigate or minimize the amount of junk mail that is received. Contractual terms and conditions that have blanket statements regarding agreement to the acceptance of marketing would be superseded by an individual’s choice of not receiving marketing or solicitations by US mail.
I’d also like to end the issues that people with PO Boxes have for using mailing address for snail mail. They’re making it difficult for people because of the ones that abuse it. It’s just aggravating. I have a PO box for a reason. Accept it as an actual address for things and mail my stuff there.
I believe that bulk mail gets discounted rates, so they aren’t paying the full stamp price for every piece of junk you have to throw away. Let them pay the full price, and most of the junk mail would go away for everyone. And the post office would lose most of it’s income.
Junk mail makes so much pollution…in it’s creation, delivery, and destruction… I’d love a “do not market to me”/“do not mail list”…
I also dislike the burden, time necessary to have to sort and shred junk mail that has too much of my information… no more shredders needed or breathing of fine particulates, healthier and more pollution reduction! A win all around… I’d guess that the percentage of junk mail actually responded to that benefits the sender is much less than 1%. Thanks
I will add an issue about mandatory RESIDENTIAL addresses on Picture Identification Cards. There are many people who travel and DO NOT have either a brick & mortar address OR they cannot keep a mail box at their home; so there is a need to have ALL MAIL AND SHIPMENTS to always be delivered to Self PAID UPS boxes. Military, Business, out of TOWN and Travelers can safely utilize the security from their POBoxes. There is a huge Security Issue with this annoyance…