Military Personal Negitively Affected by COVID & DEI Policies

The past 4 years of the Biden/Harris have had an enormous negative impact on military service members through unconstitutional and unethical COVID policies. Service members were denied medical exemptions, and blocked from assignments and re-enlistments. Additional DEI-based discrimination has as unfairly impacted career progression and natural cohesion. As a result of these policies, many career service members have been negatively impacted. Trust in the military organizations has also diminished. The results of these policies have created a weaker force and lessened our ability to recruit qualified service members.

A full review of the effects of these policies on our national readiness as well as potential criminal/civil rights violations should be conducted.

Additionally, anyone who served in the military under the Biden/Harris administration and was negatively impacted by these policies should receive just restitution including:

  1. Priority re-entry status for service members with less than 16 years of service.

  2. Early retirement for service members with 16 years or more of satisfactory service.

Our nation must rebuild our nation’s military by restoring faith and by recruiting back experienced prior service members who exemplify the military’s true mission.