Merge all proposals that deal with banning the government and media from lying to citizens.
1 Repeal the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 (i.e. make it illegal again for the government to propagandize and lie to us)
Written by @Nikki Hodgdon
2 No Propaganda on News, Factual information Only!
Written by @BSperk1
Explanation & Justification
Government actors use msm legacy media to lie to the American people. In no form should elected official nor government organizations paid by tax payer money should be allowed to lie to the citizens. The 2nd proposal speaks to this philosophy in a vanacular way. The 1st proposal address the root and mechenism through which the government lies by naming the actual bill that permits this massive and spreading comfort for govt and media lying to the people.
Edit: further, to the second proposal in this merge, opinion pieces and newspaper editorials and opinions of stories of which news anchors are reporting upon must CLEARLY be labeled as opinion. Further, as the news is meant to provide information and further since they will report upon the words/perspectives/insights of others, they shall not fact check as a matter of definitve fact but may list a source that is confirmative of information in their story and must also provide alternate sources that convey contrary information (reasoning: when wtiting a paper in the graduate level one must provide sources for and against a premise).
News anchors get paid 100s of thousands of dollars and it should be earned. Ans Americans should understand fact from opinion.