Mental illness

We really need to eliminate the IMD inclusion that prevents long term care and treatment.

HIPPA laws that prevent families from care.

Long term care facilities that heal or at least provide compassionate care.

Prevent prisons from contracting as the new mental health facilities.


Yes, Ham, please do expand, as I’m sure you have good intel to share with all. I look forward to watching this space.

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My additional thoughts;
Mental Health is a priority for many reasons:

  1. Generations of Americans (and others) raised families without the benefit of modern information. This has left many people feeling disenfranchised even within their familial units. In my opinion this is part of the reason for our gun crisis.

  2. I believe a majority of US citizens (and global citizens) never received appropriate education to learn how to regulate their emotions. I have witnessed persons across the U.S. being unable to regulate, handle, or appropriately respond to everyday happenings. In my opinion this is also part of the reason for our gun crisis.

  3. The U.S. workplace is fraught with yet others who cannot handle workplace situations. Anger, retribution, and poor management styles can affect many other employees’ livelihoods and futures negatively due to these developmental and behavioral deficits.

This is an early list. Many other reasons for education, for help, for early intervention exist.

None of my ideas is based on interference, nor on “Big Brotherism.” It will be helped greatly by a multi-pronged approach.

•Help youngsters learn positive self esteem.
•Help the same kids learn how to handle emotions.
•Start programs in 8th or 9th grade which are considered mandatory health classes, discussing the importance of family, etc. And how to find resources if a child feels they cannot speak to a parent.
• Teach tweens & teens the responsibility of relationships. Of being able to tell a positive one from a dangerous one.

It will be a fine line…and this will not be popular with everyone. But there are hundreds of ways to carry this out that would be palatable to all well-meaning parents. Perhaps it starts with small parental focus groups at scools or school districts prior to rollout.

This is far more necessary and important than most Americans will wish to admit.

I do believe this will dramatically cut down on children’s pregnancies, drug abuse, human trafficking and my aforementioned gun issues. Thanks for reading.


Yours was a perfectly great post!


Cheers :sparkles::v:t2::pray:t2:

I’m gonna try to shepherd all the shared ideas on this topic to my own post, just to have a collection for viewing - I deleted my little reply just because don’t want to muddle the dialogue :upside_down_face: