This would change federal health insurance law to require that no test, treatment, or medication may be denied by an employee of an insurance company with less education that the doctor ordering the test, treatment, or medication. All insurance claims agents would therefore have to be board certified in the specialty related to the claim. Additionally any time a test, treatment, or medication is delayed by and insurance company and later approved due to medical necessity, the patient is to be assessed $1000 per day of delay. If a patient dies or receives any permanent disability due to a delay, their heirs or themselves shall be paid by the health insurer a minimum fee of 100,000.00 for disability, and 1,000,000 for death.
Medical insurance companies dictate what procedures can and can not be accomplished. When did doctors loose the ability to make medical decisions.
32 years ago my wife had an “emergency” C section. We had to pay for sponges because the insurance company allocates “x” amount. Since my wife required more we had to pay.
Another surgical procedure we paid for the IV. The IV is required for surgery in case of an emergency, since the procedure went well it was deemed unnecessary.
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