Mandatory Disclosure of Fetal Organ Harvesting by Abortion providers to Patients both verbally and written, including expected estimated revenue or federal “reimbursements” generated
Section 1:
This policy mandates the disclosure to patients about the potential or actual use of fetal organs or tissues harvested from abortion procedures. The goal is to ensure transparency and uphold informed consent in medical practices so that the patient full understands the implications of their procedure and is informed of any revenue that may be generated by a physician or clinic.
Section 2: Disclosure Requirements
• All medical providers performing abortions must inform patients verbally and in writing if any fetal organs or tissues will be, or have the potential to be, harvested, transferred, or used for research or other purposes, including an estimate of expected revenue generated by the fetal tissue or organs
• The disclosure must be presented:
• Verbally: Clearly explained to the patient by a qualified medical professional prior to the procedure.
• In Writing: A document outlining the relevant information must be provided to the patient for acknowledgment.