All ingredients must be listed in a font that can be as easily read and identified.
Many ingredients labels are in a tiny box on the back of the product. Making it difficult to read the ingredients when grocery shopping.
The font must be legible for most people, without reading glasses.
If you can easily read the product name, and advertising, on the front side of the packaging, then you should be able to easily read the ingredients on the back side of the packaging.
Just like the mandatory Surgeon General warning on cigarettes, this needs to be mandated.
This includes Foods, Drinks, Vitamins, and Supplements.
This same regulation should include products that go on your skin such as; Soap, Shampoo, Conditioner, Moisturizer, Lotion, Body Spray, Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Makeup, Cosmetics, or any other products that are absorbed by your skin, or body.
People need to clearly know what ingredients are going into their bodies.