Make Women's Menstruation Products Healthy Again

Let’s make all feminine hygiene products safe and healthy! No chemicals, no perfumes, no plastic, no GMO/artificial materials! This is very important to Women’s Health.

ALL pads, liners, and tampons should be made from certified organic, non-GMO, unbleached cotton (or any other natural and organic material that seems best). It is very unsafe and unhealthy for women to use menstruation products that contain harmful ingredients like chlorine, dioxins, dyes, fragrances, pesticides, BPA, etc. We should ban any menstruation products that contain these harmful substances and only allow natural, organic menstruation products.

Also as an add-on idea, feminine hygiene products should be free or very low cost since it is something that ALL women HAVE to use. All of the organic hygiene products are much more expensive than the non-organic ones!

Any other ideas? :slight_smile:


Womens sanitary products need to be not only healthy but free or next to free. If obama care can make birth control free. Then feminine products should be free aswell.

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