Make it easier for a parent to stay home

Imagine how health would improve and attachment disorders would decrease if there were more parents able to stay home and raise their children. The childcare shortage would diminish if it were simply easier for more parents to stay home and raise their children if that’s what they wanted to do. Parents would be able to stay home and make home cooked meals for their children. Right now there are so many families that would like to have a parent stay home, but the economy does not allow this to happen. Insurance is especially a high cost. Fix the health insurance problems. Right now employer sponsored healthcare makes it possible, but unaffordable to cover both spouse and children. This needs to change. Offer tax benefits to businesses that offer incentives to allow a spouse to provide for their family.


I believe an abolishment of the federal income tax would allow families to have one parent be able to be a home maker and not have to work. Replace the income tax with a federal sales tax of 5% - that would fix the economy by increasing family funds for spending and stabilize the family structure. A true win/win for our nation.


This is a great idea, but a very broad issue. People are hooked on spending, fast food, next cool product, the idea of just hiring some one to do it for you. Budgeting and common know how go a long way to make this a possibility


Agreed!! I also wish there was more jobs out there for a stay at home parent. I’m a stay at home mom and have tried several times getting jobs that work around my kids and husbands work schedule. It’s impossible with school hours and work hours that are available. And there’s no work at home options available I’ve tried. I’m at a loss. We are struggling.


I hear what you’re saying. Re-education is needed. Since women were abruptly pushed into the workforce during WWII the government has kept us there; we’re their little revenue generators they do not want to let us go back or their purse would shrink! Now that whole families are sick and reproduction is in serious decline I feel they see immigrants as the solution for maintaining and even increasing revenue generators!!! It only about the money.


I agree!! There could be tax breaks to families of children between ages 0-3 that bc could help to subsidize formula, diapers, wipes and healthy meal options for families. Having a parent stay home in the first three years of life are so crucial to attachment and bonding for infants and children.


Parents are the earthly teachers of God’s children…they would be instilling better morals, eating better, healthier foods, they could be home schooled more easily


Solution…Stop paying taxes

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Hi, I proposed some ideas to help accomplish that.

Too often, young moms are forced between choosing between working 40 hours per week, and perhaps paying high child-care costs, or going without any income and becoming fully dependent on either the good graces of their husband, family or welfare to survive. Mothers of disabled children face additional, very stressful circumstances. Also, being a full time working mother can cause toxic stress and harm parental relationships.

Here’s my ideas on that, please read?

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I personally believe that this is not an isolated issue that needs policy, rather, this is a systemic byproduct of the Federal Reserve banking system, removal from the gold standard, and our out of control inflationary economy and over taxation that results.

If we fix the economy, the issue of single/dual income households will naturally resolve as well.

We have to consider how some households are even now triple, quadruple income households as adults now are carrying more than one job just to survive. Two incomes are no longer enough for some Americans because of the runaway inflation.

There was a time when one income per household was sufficient. It can be sufficient again!

In my opinion, the answer is not incentives or more government policy. The answer to this is to fix the current financial structures that are forcing households to need more than one income in the first place.

You simply should not need two or more incomes and debt to live. For those who want to live that way, go for it. But it should not be the standard. It does not have to be this way.

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I love this idea Kelli! I came up with idea that specifically mentions this issue, called “Regenerative Home Farms to Decentralize The Food Supply” that caps mortgages for participants in the program, making it more realistic for one parent to stay home. Check out the policy and let me know your thoughts if you have a chance!

Please. Please. Please. We need this. I would do anything to find a way to help support my family meanwhile being home with my kids. Too many primary parents are choosing work because they need money to survive & not being able to be there for kids when needed. America was better when parents were responsible for raising their own kids rather than throwing them in daycare and the public school system.


We have to address the problem at the root cause. The cause of two-income households is that women wanted to work rather than become mothers. Just because economic conditions make two-incomes mandatory doesn’t actually mean taking it away will change anything. What has to change is how parents plan for their daughter’s future.

They need to plan for the right husband instead of the right college (with all of the same guidance and fervor).

100% agree!!! Love it.

I absolutely agree that making it easier for a parent to stay home would address so many problems in our country. I personally believe that we should have a minimum of one year for paid maternity leave after having a baby. Not only is important for infants to be with thier mothers at this stage. But its also important for the mothers to rest, recover and bond with that infant. This would alleviate so much stress off of parents. It would diminish young babies getting ill and help with RSV. And all around just be healthier for families in general.

I agree, I have always thought that “abortion” wouldn’t be such a HUGE issue that scares pro-choice people if we had a better society that supports pregnant and new moms/families. I feel like women want their abortions because they are too scared of being a mom, not confident that they will be able to take care of their child or themselves. And all of that is true and justified in today’s society, so instead of allowing abortions at any time, we should create a society that is safer and more supportive of pregnant and new moms in order to take away those major fears about becoming a good, healthy, successful Mom. All babies are a blessing from God :baby:


Hi Wendy, The saying “a penny saved is a penny earned” is old fashioned but true forever. Thriftiness & doing without common things others buy & growing food, bartering, fixing things ourselves, switching to almost entirely whole food cooking, has worked to keep us a one income family and now our youngest is almost 19, and we don’t have to pay for their food etc anymore. So that’s like new income as well, bcz of lower expenses. Learn extreme thriftiness and try being a one car family too. My grandparents did that and had 4 kids. No debt, so less expenses there as well. Fiber & carbohydrates are optional for humans that have enough access to healthy meat , eggs, dairy. Watch Dr Sten Ekberg on YouTube, Dr Ken Berry, Dr Philip Ovadia, Dr Paul Mason. You’ll spend a lot less on food that way! And less on healthcare bcz you’ll be healthier. We buy used clothes sometimes, and wear them for many years even with holes in them & stains (working at home on the food garden & gathering firewood & handyman projects to save money too. Make friends with farmers small & larger farms & farmers market owners and you’ll get free stuff sometimes.

As a stay at home mother it can be really hard not having an income unless I am selling my stuff or trying to find some type of side work. I would like to see a tax credit for stay at home parents! Our job is just as important and the best form of childcare, however living off of one income it can be challenging, so if stay at home parents could make a form of income to contribute to the household, that would be so beneficial!

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I believe this could cure our nation.

Why have children if we aren’t going to raise them ourselves?

This is sooo important to our future. If a dad or mom could be in the household they could take the child to doctors appointments and not lose their job. They could have a healthy dinner prepared on the table for when their spouse got home. They could meet with the teachers and pick their children up from school and take them to school. They could help prepare that child for school. They could be there to nurture and play with the child until they are ready for public school. This would bring back the family unit if we could afford it. This would give our children a better head start and make them healthier. A parent could go on field trips and be involved in the school lifestyle for the children.

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