Make unsurance company pay for ALL Food allergy tests, celiacs test ALL 4 markers, and intracellular nutrient deficiency tests.
We can not prevent illness if we cant test to find out what our bodies need and cant cant tolerate. Insurance companies deny majority of the time giving us any of these tests when if you have celiacs and you continue eating gluten you can get up to eight different autoimmune diseases food allergy test cost almost $1,000 and insurance won’t cover it how are we supposed to know what food we can and cannot eat if they won’t let us take the test at an affordable price nutrient deficiencies cause so many different diseases and symptoms that lead to other diseases and symptoms and that test cost hundreds of dollars aceliacs test cost hundreds of dollars we should not need a reason to have these tests also of mycotoxin test should be something that insurance no matter what has to pay for we should always be able to take these tests so that way we know how our bodies are doing and what they need to continue going down a healthy path and getting rid of autoimmune diseases