Make college pre-reqs illegal to require

All colleges require that pre-reqs be completed at a certain level before a person may complete certain classes or obtain a degree. Make this illegal. Someone going to college to obtain a degree in Psychology or an English Major, should not be required to complete a certain level in Mathematics. Those going into the Medical field should be able to solely focus their studies on what is needed for their job. Much time and money is wasted on pre-reqs. College should be focused on studies required for the career you are looking to enter. This may increase people acquiring degrees in fields we are lacking workers for. Such as nurses, doctors, paramedics, teachers, dentists, surgeons, ect. I believe it would be highly beneficial to have college classes focused on what the individual will be using for their career. Not wasting years and money on classes that do not pertain to what the individual will be using in the future.