(MAHA) Food/Water/Synthetic Fragrances/Chemtrails/Sunlight

Health in America needs a major reset for humanity to thrive.

Ban ALL GMO foods:
Organic farming only. Embrace growing our own food or locally grown organic food. There should never be produce to choose from in this country that is not organic.

Ban pesticides being sprayed on food

Ban seed oils

Ban high fructose corn syrup

Ban highly processed wheats | sugars | salts:
All of our wheats, sugars and salts should be organic and naturally produced.

Legalize raw milk in all states.

Remove/ban all synthetic antibiotics and hormones that are found in meat and dairy products.

Ban synthetic food dyes

RFK Jr. has already made it clear that they will be removing the fluoride from the water, but let’s not forget about chlorine, heavy metals and other traces of substances found in our water.

Removal of purified water bottles:
In other countries across the world. There are only two types of water to choose from, mineral still or mineral sparkling. Purified water does absolutely nothing to the body and removes all TDS. We need to be drinking mineral (aka spring water) only. Also, all plastic water bottles should automatically be BPA free.

Ban synthetic fragrances:
Synthetic fragrances are found in candles, household cleaning products, laundry detergents, and skincare products. Major hormone disruptor! Studies have been linked to cancer as well as other skin irritations.

Ban chemicals/toxins in laundry detergents, household cleaning products and skincare products. Once again hormone disruptors and full of carcinogens.

Ban chemtrails:
The government should NOT be altering/modifying our weather in the first place!

Influence/reconnect with nature and sunlight:
As humans, we are connected to our world. Nature and sunlight is what we need to survive and maintain balance. We have been programmed not only by society but by the beauty industry that sunlight is bad for us. We have been fed lies. Daily doses of sunlight not only regenerates every single cell in our bodies but it heals us within mentally, physically and spiritually. We should not be covering our faces and bodies with chemicals and carcinogens when going outside. Only form of sunscreen on the market should be mineral sunscreens.


Awesome idea!

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I completely agree with the need for a major reset in the way we approach health, food, and the environment in the U.S. It’s time to eliminate toxic substances that harm both our bodies and the planet. Your suggestions on banning GMOs, pesticides, and synthetic chemicals are spot-on.

We know that GMOs and pesticides can have detrimental effects on both human health and the environment. Studies show that pesticides like Glyphosate are linked to cancer and other serious health issues, yet they’re still widely used in U.S. agriculture. By shifting to organic farming and locally grown food, we can reduce exposure to these harmful chemicals and support healthier, sustainable practices.

The push to ban synthetic food additives like high fructose corn syrup, seed oils, and artificial food dyes is crucial. These ingredients have been linked to obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. We deserve better, and supporting organic, whole foods can dramatically improve public health outcomes.

The issues around water quality, particularly the presence of fluoride, chlorine, and heavy metals, & MANY chemicals are deeply concerning. Removing these harmful substances from our water would drastically improve public health and protect communities from long-term health effects, especially vulnerable populations like children.

We should also be more mindful of what we put in and on our bodies. Synthetic fragrances and chemicals in personal care products are major hormone disruptors and carcinogens. By banning these toxins, we can reduce our exposure to harmful substances and promote healthier living.

This is about reclaiming control over what we consume, how we live, and protecting the natural world around us. By supporting legislation for organic farming, cleaner water, and safer products, we can restore balance to our environment and our health.

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Zachary, thanks for clearly connecting the environment with health and wanting better. Recently, a supervisor at the Environmental Protection Department of Georgia told me that people’s health was not their concern. The EPD has the rule that could prevent me from repeated brain injuries; however, they will not enforce at residential properties, sometimes they will mail an informational letter. The explanation for why they don’t visit residential sites is for their safety.

According to the EPD of Georgia, only hand piled on site vegetation should be open burned without permits.

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It’s really troubling to hear that a supervisor at Georgia’s EPD doesn’t see health as a part of their mission especially when there are rules in place that could help protect people. It’s even more frustrating to learn they won’t enforce these rules at residential properties and rely only on informational mailers. The lack of enforcement, especially when it comes to something as significant as preventing brain injuries, is truly concerning.

The rule about only allowing open burning of hand-piled vegetation without a permit seems like a positive step, but if it’s not enforced, it’s not very effective. I really appreciate that you’re advocating for better policies, and I’d be happy to help in any way I can whether that’s supporting a petition, helping spread awareness, or connecting with others who might be able to push for more consistent enforcement of these rules. Please let me know if there’s anything specific you need.

Zachary, please consider calling Katie Meade at the EPD of Georgia 404-558-0652 to advocate for enforcement at residential properties. Over a year ago I got the sheriff office to agree to escort the EPD investigator. You would think an injured person would be enough to have a deputy respond and at least write a report, but they don’t for an inhalation injury.

Thank you for your concern and offer of support.