More oversight in our food, farming and sanitation systems. Companies (water sanitation, food industry/farming, pharma) must utilize approved substances that arent known to cause cancer. Right now we are using outdated regulation guidelines to determine safe for consumption. We are regularly consuming cancer causing carcinogens, artificial dyes, and lab created substances…please reference independent working group that evaluates safe water guidelines, safe cleaning supplies, makeups, and face/body products.
The idea is you can still enjoy your burger and fries or steak and potatoes with peace of mind without the risks for cancer, autism…et al. Its not about controlling what citizens eat, but ensuring their food is -safe- to eat.
As a woman diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer at 27; we can do better for our children that come after us. The difference of McDonalds in Europe vs McDonalds in the USA; is an eye opening experience. We can change the rising comorbidites within our families and friends.
To conclude, our problems are associated with our Western Society due to the lack of oversight and regulation of our food, farming, water sanitation and pharmaceutical. The rest of the world still experiences cancer, autism and comorbidities - but on a more limited scale due to the oversight their industries making consumption safer.