Local Law Enforcement Action

I am a police officer in Indiana. I have had my fair share of run ins with illegal immigrants. A majority of these run ins have been during traffic stops. I get so upset knowing there is absolutely nothing I can do on a local level to take necessary action to have them deported. Instead, i have to treat an illegal immigrant as if they do have rights. This is absolutely unacceptable! An illegal immigrant arrived at a baseball game in the town I live in and stabbed a young girl in the hand. Please put a policy in place that allows local law enforcement to act if they come across an illegal immigrant.

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I would have thought local law enforcement would be crucial in any deportation effort. Maybe it simply hasn’t happened yet?

The outgoing administration seems to have been purposefully bringing illegal immigration to this country, so they were unlikely to allow anything to stop their intentional actions, like letting local law enforcement try to enforce the law. But hopefully things have changed or will change in the coming months.

I certainly hope local law enforcement will be allowed and requested to retain any illegal aliens. Why waste the chance to apprehend people we’re trying to find when an agent of the law has them in hand? Unless, like currently, they evidently didn’t really want them found. Yet.

We’ll see.

Thank you for your law enforcement service, by the way, and for hanging in there through law enforcement getting treated abysmally. I hope our good officers will continue to hold on as our first defense against all sorts of threats.

Thank you, I really appreciate your support. To my knowledge, I dont think local law enforcement has helped but i guess it depends where they are. I hope to see a change in the following months a well.

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@PresidentButter JR

I was wondering, now that Trump has taken office, has anything changed?

I know it hasn’t been very long as yet, but I think it would be very useful and informative to hear directly from an officer what’s happening, not just a news snippet, but real, direct information. Have you heard of any policy changes coming your way as yet? IF you’re allowed to talk about it, that is. I for one would welcome hearing about it.

I can tell you that I personally have not seen a change. Maybe it’s because my department hasn’t come across any illegals since he took office. What I have heard is that if an illegal is caught driving without a license the individual will go to jail like anyone who is operating a vehicle without ever being a licensed driver in my state. But, if the illegal individual commits a violent crime then more action will be taken. As far as police departments coming across any illegal and reporting them to ICE to have them deported , that’s not what’s happening even though I think it should since my town borders a liberal ran state.

Hope this helps

Thankyou for the response @PresidentButter . I’m sorry nothing’s changed. I hope that’s ‘yet’. The change in administration hasn’t been in office very long, maybe things are still in the works. I hope so. I’m glad at least that more action will be taken for the violent offenders.

I wonder if anyone’s ever talked about this issue from police to ICE? Sometimes people get so in their own lane they don’t think to work together and coordinate.

Well, I think they take tips from the public anyways. I wonder if there’s a work around to be had somehow?

To contact ICE Immigration, you can12345:

Thank you for sending me that informatiom! And im sure it will happen soon. I have no reason to not trust this current administration due to what I have already seen.

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You’re welcome. I hope it helps. :slightly_smiling_face:

I woke up today thinking about this, so maybe it’s important.

I don’t know how much you feel comfortable with, so whatever you want to do (or not do) with this idea is totally okay, or anyone else who might think it’s a good idea, have at it. I only wanted to make a suggestion and throw it out there in case anyone might like the idea.

So, ideally one would be able to go to their boss at the police department and get together with them and ice and get some sort of policy sorted out to help turn over illegals for deporting. I hope so.

But, if it seemed like the climate won’t welcome that direct line of action, either from the police department or ICE or elsewhere and that it’s a bad idea to ask… well sometimes, as the saying goes, “it can be easier to apologize than ask permission”. And I can’t think of how this would get anyone into trouble anyways.

So, I was thinking, for currently 10.80$ at Shutterfly, for example, one could get a stack of business cards with the above contact information for ICE on it.

What if everyone in your police station had a card like that in their wallet? Whether the administration supports it (which I hope they will) or not, police officers are private citizens once they’re off duty, I assume? If so, they ought to be able to call ICE on their own time and give tips all they want.

If that works, then any officers who wished to could do the same and send cards to cops they know in other places or at least suggest it to them. This could be a grass roots movement to help get this problem solved. I know I had no idea that hotline existed until I looked it up on a whim for responding to this thread.

In fact, this could be done among the private citizens also. Someone just suggested to me that all first responders would be in a good position to make use of the phone number as they see a lot of people all day long. well, you get the idea.