Limit the Scope of Businesses

Go back to only being able to operate a business in a specific category and location.

Stay in your wheelhouse:
Businesses should only be able to participate in a certain type of product. For example, electronics should not be sold in the same store as groceries. When they removed these limitations; super companies formed and destroyed small business. Limiting the scope of products sold, allows more people and families to own more businesses and care more about their products, employees, and customers

Limit range:
I believe companies should not be able to operate with the same owner outside of a state or even county. Just like politicians should not be in New York making decisions for Branson, companies should have the same standards. If I walk into a store, I should be able to speak to the owner, not a manager, which promotes accountability. If I get food poisoning from sushi from Walmart, their is nothing I can do, but if I get food poisoning from a food truck, I have a lot of power to do something, including talking to the owner and getting something changed.

These two changes stops one family from getting so rich that the rest of us don’t matter. This opens the door for more families to own small businesses. This will build the worker/owner relationship and bring back the millions of small businesses that companies like Walmart killed. Walmart alone creates a monopoly that stops over 20 different small stores from existing in thousands of towns.

Side note:
I lived in an RV traveling around the country, with my family. Going to a small town and seeing pancake houses from 1935 was the best food and atmosphere in the country. We loved going into local hardware stores, grocery stores, electronic stores, toy stores, automotive stores, and book stores. We were able to talk to the owner and knowledgeable staff; every store we went into, was a mini homeschool lesson for my children. Every Walmart looks the same, non of the staff knows their products, and it is a miserable experience from parking to exiting, which causes all of us to dislike and loath interaction with one another. Walmart style stores, I believe, limits creativity, knowledge, and personality, which promotes an antisocial and dumb society.

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Your feelings are valid but the solution is increased competition and new systems to support innovation. Big box retailers aren’t invincible and many have gone under from mismanagement.

To increase competition we need fewer government hurdles, not more.