Legalize and Regulate Psilocybin

Legalize medicinal and recreational use of Psilocybin mushrooms. Regulate growth, sale in the free market, and consumption of Psilocybin mushrooms.

I suggest everyone do their own research on effects and statistics of psilocybin medical treatments. This is a new field that will only keep growing. Johns Hopkins Medicine is leading the way in psilocybin medical treatments. Information can be found at

Psilocybin is a non-addictive substance found in naturally grown mushrooms. Psilocybin is a naturally occurring stimulant that enhances physical, mental, and spiritual clarity. It is inevitable that this natural miracle will rescue the human race sooner or later, and propel us into a morally, mentally, and technologically superior existence. If there was ever a magical blanket solution to the worlds problems, it is this substance. Psilocybin is equally important or arguably more important than food and water (yes I know that sounds illogical) for the advancement of the human race. People who have never ingested psilocybin will never fully understand this.

Only recently in human history have we begun to study and record on a large scale the clinical treatment of humans with this substance. It has been proven to mitigate or completely cure addiction, depression, suicidal ideation, PTSD, negative thoughts and feelings, and allows love, forgiveness, and clean living to be the clearest path forward. It changes your perception to see everything in this world for what it truly is.

Psilocybin can be taken in MICRO-DOSES (<1gram) on a daily basis with almost no noticeable differences than what we experience life to be in a sober state. Any difference that is experienced will most likely just be feelings of a positive energetic nature. It can also be taken in larger quantities ONLY in a safe dwelling, to experience mental, physical, and spiritual therapy that lasts for a 5-6 hour period.

Government websites contain false or inconclusive information regarding this psychadelic compound as a way of deterring usage and because it brings awareness to unaware mental captivity. It’s time we stop the over production of MAN-MADE compounds in pills as a means of “healing.”

Now because this is a powerful substance, it must be respected and only consumed responsibly. You cannot and must not operate heavy machinery over a dose of ~1.5grams (tbd by medical professionals.) Anything less than 1 gram/ 6 hrs is a micro-dose and will improve your health daily.

Medical studies and careful regulation will need to be performed to determine limits for the safest usage of this mushroom in today’s society, as there is very limited awareness of the true nature of psilocybin among the masses.

It is baffling that we can drive to a store after turning 21 and purchase alcohol, acidic drinks, and processed fake food, all of which are detrimental to the human body, but we cannot drive to a store to purchase natural medicine such as Psilocybin.



‘Drugs’ and psychedelics are not two members of a family, they are antithetically opposed to each other. The pro-psychedelic plant position is clearly an antidrug position:

Drug dependencies are the result of habitual, unexamined, and obsessive behavior; these are precisely the tendencies in our psychological makup that the psychedelics mitigate. The plant hallucinogens dissolve habits and hold motivations up to inspection by a wider, less egocentric, and more grounded point of view within the individual.

  • Terrence McKenna

Couldn’t have said it better! I’m just hoping we can bring more awareness to the world so we can heal people.

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