Laws and Regulations

Supreme Court, Gorsuch said the problem is that there has been an explosion of laws and regulations, at both the federal and state levels. The sheer volume of Congress’ output for the past decade is overwhelming, he said, averaging 344 pieces of legislation totaling 2 million to 3 million words a year.
My opinion:

  • We need a system to sunset old laws and regulations and further check for redundancy in our regulations and laws.

  • Reasonable interpretations of unclear federal laws should be resolved prior to being put into law.

  • Legislation should “not be ambiguous” or intentionally written to give agencies room to maneuver and utilize their expertise. The impact on current regulations being developed across the government is a cause for concern.
    Per Emory University; From a public health standpoint, challenges to federal regulations could have profound population-wide implications, including those related to workplace safety, air and water quality, emissions standards, food safety, birth control, Medicare and Medicaid access, and vaccine development and distribution. Even issues like deciding which seasonal flu shots should be issued or what types of preventive care insurance will cover could be impacted.

  • For another key point:

  • In a 6-3 ruling on June 28,2024 the court overturned a 40-year precedent that gave agencies more latitude in crafting regulations, allowing them to fill in the gaps when the legislation text is ambiguous.

  • In Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, the Supreme Court eliminated Chevron deference a legal precedent from a 1984 case that required judges to defer to an agency’s interpretation of relevant laws when its regulations are challenged in court.
    My Opinion: I’m not saying their decision was right or wrong but the underlining cause was Ambiguous language in regulation put into law needs to be clearly stated and not left up to courts to decide when it does or does not apply.