Is Healthcare Reform Long Overdue?

Hospitals and clinics AND pharmaceutical companies are upcharging all services, supplies, and medications. We need to cap the price of services and medications based on real cost. There is no way a 15 minute appointment with a primary doctor should cost $1500 +/- For a simple verbal exam and prescription! A simple emergency room visit can easily cost $10s of thousands of dollars, requiring relatively simple services and inexpensive medical supplies. We shouldn’t be charged $50 for a roll of cotton gauze, or $1000 for IV antibiotics! The cost on these items is much cheaper, EVEN CONSIDERING THE LUDACRIS UPCHARGE FROM PHARMACEUTICAL AND MEDICAL SUPPLY COMPANIES. So in turn, the american citizens end up dealing with expensive health insurance companies, who challenge us as customers at every turn and request of service.

This proposal is not rocket science. It is however a broken system that much like the Federal Government has become far too complex and corrupt to operate efficiently. The Federal Government is in the process of being repaired. If we can include a way to simplify the healthcare system, and provide real oversight it would be vastly beneficial to the country as a whole.

#1- Cap the wholesale cost of all medications in proportion to real cost.
#2- Cap the percentage of margin hospitals/clinics/pharmacies can charge.
#3- Cap the cost of services provided by medical providers in proportion to time and actual services provided.


There will always be a problem with overpayment for goods and services with the government or insurance involved in the payment. It is not their money so why should they care? They can always raise taxes or premiums. There is a problem with the Medical Industrial Complex where the financial incentives are all wrong. Currently, doctors prescribe pharmaceutical drug for symptom relief because “that is the only way to make money” and it keeps the customers coming back. A cure for disease is considered bad business. More money can be made with more vaccines and the schedule for child vaccination is child abuse. Chemotherapy injects expensive toxic chemicals into the body to kill cancer cells but does not kill cancer stem cells. Alternative therapies can kill both cancers, and the cancer stem cells with low risk and low cost but they are shunned because “there is no money to be made.” Doctors who deviate from CDC protocols trying to help cure patients are either fired or have their license suspended by medical boards.