Insurance Corporations invest the premiums they receive for the policies into the stock market for investors.
Instead of this profit going only to investors, the profit should go to the policy holders or beneficiary of the policy. They should be put in either an pre-tax HSA or IRA or similar financial vehicle that may be used by the individual/family to pay out of pocket and elective medical expense. It should be permitted to be used as the individual wants toward healthcare. This includes Alternative care also known as Holistic Care. If there is a medical reason someone needs to be on a diet that requires higher quality food and ingredients some of this cost should be permitted to be offset with this fund. Funds should also be able to go toward staying health with Alternative Care Providers who may also recommend exercise. Therefore, gym memberships and the like should also be able to be paid with these funds since it helps to keep individuals healthy. Therefore, lowers the cost paid out in insurance claims.
This is a work in progress. But it makes more sense that the profits coming from the investments should go to the people who are paying the money that is being invested into the stock market by the Insurance Coroporation. This money would make up for all the claim denials and policy underwriting that harms the public.