Immediate withdrawal from NATO

Policy Proposal: Immediate Withdrawal from NATO

Title: Strategic Realignment: Proposal for the United States’ Immediate Withdrawal from NATO

Executive Summary:

This proposal advocates for the immediate withdrawal of the United States from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). It emphasizes the need for a reevaluation of the nation’s global defense commitments, prioritizing domestic security, fiscal responsibility, and strategic autonomy. The policy highlights potential benefits, including reduced military expenditure, greater focus on national infrastructure, and fostering diplomatic engagement outside of traditional alliances.

Background and Rationale:

  1. Changing Global Dynamics:
    NATO was established in 1949 to counter the Soviet Union during the Cold War. While NATO remains a key alliance, modern security threats, such as cyber warfare and terrorism, transcend traditional state-on-state conflicts, necessitating a shift in U.S. defense priorities.

  2. Financial Burden:
    The United States contributes significantly more to NATO’s budget and operations than other member states. This disproportionate financial commitment diverts resources from pressing domestic needs, such as infrastructure, healthcare, and education.

  3. European Security Capabilities:
    Many NATO members have developed robust defense capabilities. The European Union has also taken steps toward increased security integration. It is argued that European nations are capable of managing their own defense without U.S. involvement.

Strategic Autonomy:

NATO membership often obligates the United States to engage in conflicts that may not align with its national interests. Withdrawal would allow the U.S. to pursue a more independent and flexible foreign policy.

Key Policy Objectives:

  1. End U.S. Membership in NATO:

• Formally notify NATO of the decision to withdraw, as outlined in Article 13 of the North Atlantic Treaty.

• Establish a timeline to conclude all U.S. obligations to NATO, ensuring compliance with international law.

  1. Reallocate Resources:

• Redirect funds previously allocated to NATO commitments toward enhancing domestic priorities such as cybersecurity, border security, and infrastructure development.

• Strengthen bilateral and multilateral defense agreements tailored to U.S. interests.

  1. Maintain Global Engagement:
    • Reassure allies of continued U.S. support for global peace and security through other mechanisms, such as the United Nations and ad-hoc coalitions.

• Expand economic and diplomatic partnerships with NATO countries to ensure that the withdrawal does not damage long-standing relationships.

Diplomatic Outreach

• Communicate the decision to NATO members, emphasizing that this is a strategic realignment rather than a reduction in the U.S.’s commitment to global stability.

Withdrawing from NATO represents a bold but necessary step to adapt to evolving global realities and prioritize U.S. interests. By pursuing this policy, the United States can reduce financial burdens, enhance its strategic autonomy, and refocus on domestic and nontraditional security challenges. This proposal seeks to initiate a national conversation about the future of U.S. foreign policy in an increasingly multipolar world.

Recommended Next Steps:

  1. Convene a bipartisan panel to analyze the implications of NATO withdrawal in detail.

  2. Begin preliminary discussions with NATO allies to prepare for an orderly transition.

  3. Draft and introduce legislation in Congress to formalize the withdrawal process


Bad idea.

Deterrence is cheaper than conflict and rebuilding.

Our recent error is lack of projection where warranted including confronting Putin in force.

There is no isolationist answer to terrorism.


We have not provided an answer to terrorism by being in NATO. Our foreign policy needs to change, as the Wars we wage decrease security around the globe and increase the likelihood for extremism and terrorism, not deter it.

Countries that suffer the least from terrorism tend to have a combination of stable governments, strong security measures, low geopolitical tensions, and minimal involvement in international conflicts. According to the Global Terrorism Index (GTI), some of the countries with consistently low or negligible terrorism impact include:

Known for its peaceful society and strong rule of law, Iceland often ranks as one of the safest countries in the world with virtually no terrorism incidents.

New Zealand
While generally peaceful, it has experienced rare isolated incidents, such as the Christchurch mosque attacks in 2019. Overall, its terrorism rates are extremely low.

Portugal benefits from political stability, low crime rates, and minimal involvement in global conflicts, resulting in a negligible terrorism threat.

Known for its strict security measures and societal cohesion, Japan has extremely low levels of terrorism.

Its strong counter-terrorism laws and emphasis on national security make it one of the least-affected countries.

As a small, peaceful nation with no major geopolitical tensions, Slovenia experiences little to no terrorism.

These countries typically score well in global peace and stability rankings, with effective governance and proactive measures to counter extremist threats.

Countries with low levels of terrorism share several common factors that contribute to their safety. Here’s why they experience minimal terrorism:

Political Stability and Good Governance

Stable governments with strong institutions reduce the likelihood of political grievances or radicalization.

Transparent, inclusive political systems leave little room for extremist ideologies to take root.

Social Cohesion and Low Inequality

Countries with high levels of social trust, equality, and cohesion tend to have fewer marginalized groups susceptible to radicalization.

Strong cultural unity or effective multicultural integration policies reduce tensions.

Effective Law Enforcement and Counter-Terrorism

Nations like Singapore and Japan have robust security systems and counter-terrorism laws that deter potential attacks.

Strong intelligence sharing and monitoring prevent extremist networks from operating effectively.

Neutral Foreign Policies

Countries like Iceland and Switzerland maintain neutral stances in international conflicts, making them less likely targets of political or ideological retaliation.

Avoidance of military intervention abroad reduces the risk of becoming involved in global extremist agendas.

Low Geopolitical Significance

Smaller or less geopolitically influential countries like Slovenia and Portugal often avoid being focal points for international tensions or ideological battles.

Lack of Domestic Extremism

Societies with few ideological, religious, or ethnic divides have lower risks of homegrown terrorism.

Countries like Japan and Iceland are homogeneous, reducing the potential for internal discord.

Geographic Isolation

Countries such as New Zealand and Iceland benefit from their physical isolation, which makes it harder for external threats to penetrate.

Together, these factors create an environment where terrorism struggles to gain a foothold. However, no country is entirely immune, as unique events or shifts in global dynamics can occasionally disrupt even the most peaceful settings.


Those low effort nations are protected by us.

Can anyone young afford that discount plan?

Reagan buried the USSR with American productivity, not retrenchment.

If we don’t plan to project power the Putins of the world will continue to assume we’re his ball to be kicked around, with the Ukraines and Israels as his test bed.

Churchill warned FDR for years about Hitler, but his domestic political concerns outweighed common sense even after World War I.

We pay some now, or much more soon.

I’d vote for it, but I’m out of votes.

But agreed. And leave the UN and WHO too while we’re at it.

These people are discussing kicking us out anyway.
We don’t need them, they need us, and it’s time we reminded them of that.

Without our funding and military power, they are powerless.
They depend on Russia for energy, and they will soon depend on America for energy.

If they kick us out, it saves us money. We win.
If they agree to our terms, then we gain leverage. We win again.

We win regardless of what they do.
I say all those organizations are corrupt, and should be dismantled.


That is such a great statement, (and I’m out of votes too), so I’ll just say bullseye right on target - BOOM!

Our own government, the USA, Inc., is the terrorist organization. Why did John McCain’s and George Bush’s coffins have wrinkled flags? Because they funded ISIS and participated in the gold heist at Building 7 on 911. We have been told lies, lies, and more lies. Big changes are coming!


Having a happy population, wealth, political stability, economic success, and basically minding one’s own business is not “low effort”. it needs a lot of constant effort and finetuning to achieve this.

bringing violence, hate and death everywhere, though, engenders hate and the wish for retaliation.

don’t have hate and violence as your main export, so you wom’t have terrorists as import.

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Russia is not our enemy MSN and CIA have been brainwashing American’s for 70 years


We need to get out of NATO, it only causes us to go to war and fund other countries wars and murders.


That’s just funny. Putin has declare the country an enemy of the US. We did not put a gun to his head and make him do that. He is a product of the Soviet Union and a key goal of the Soviets was teh destruction of NATO and, particularly, the US. Putin has maintained that tradition goal of the Soviets and there is utterly no sign of any change on the horizon.

Then why did the US deny Russia membership in to NATO under Clinton after he said he saw no problem in it. The warmongers spoke they needed a enemy to continue the weapons sales from the military industrial complex. The Soviet Union was formed after US aggression after WWll to continue their endless wars. History has been changed over the years as I see it

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it was not far from “putting a gun” to Russias head.

after the fall of the Berlin wall, the Warsaw pact got disbanded. Nato stayed on - and went further east contrary to promises made that they would not go “one inch eastward”

Zelensky wanting to station nuclear weapons a 5 min flight from Moscow was one of the reasons Russia had enough. that’s indeed a “gun to Russias head” and, of course, not acceptable. (remember: the 1962 US sanctions against Cuba are still active!)


Yes please.

I’ll go a step further, complete disbandment of NATO entirely. It has gone beyond the original scope and intention of a defence pact and is now an aggressor globally, devolving into a threat supporting terrorism and proxy warfare.


The nosy fellow on the stingray bicycle steered close while I waited for my girlfriend to buy shoes. He stopped next to the bench:

NOSY: Are you going to start today?
ME: What?
NOSY: You said you would be building today.
ME: I am a geopolitical social engineer.
NOSY: (Annoyed) What does that mean?
ME: That means I am building tomorrow.

He sneered at me, the smartass and pedaled away.

We have done so many things to Russia like destroying his oil pipe line, aiding countries to destroy them and I cant imagine why Russia has not retaliated against the USA yet? I hear now they are warning us but the current adminstration wants to start WW3 and hurt Trump from trying to stop WW3.


In many modern day cases, and a great number of the times the other nations and our own people don’t realize - THE US Government and the large corporations that control the government are the terrorists. We had no business in engineering the coups through out South American, SE Asia, and other parts of the World so the US and global Deep States can control those countries, and their resources. I recommend everyone read Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine! As well as open your eye, and start listening to both sides, do not allow the government to keep telling us all how ignorant we are and require their governance.

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Absolutely! I’ve been leery of them for a very long time. Connected to the UN, I’m sure!

The last treaty tjey tried to pass they called an agreement. So they didnt have to go thru the process correctly and biden was going to pass it for them before trump won! This agreement (treaty) was going to allow them to come take our guns . And lock us down . For anything central to health allowing them to use animals, people, plant, enviroment, climate. For the reason . They want to come in here and take every right we have . It almost passed. They still try.
I know the people in UN aka nato. Are sick satinist. Cannibal. Individuals that piss off the dark mother. After selling their souls.and dont comply. UN is where they are sent. And the sick f****s. THat came up with the AGENDAS… DEFUND NATO. PEOPLE NEED TO GO READ THEIR WEBSITE… THEY ARE NOT TO BE FUNDED AT ALL NOT A DIME OR I WONT PAY TAXES .