Immediate Quarantine And Monitoring of Loyally-Questionable Government Institutions

Immediately assign a few years of probation and outside monitoring to ALL Federal Agencies and institutions that were created/modified/supported by former U.S. Administrations that engaged in treasonous/criminal acts against the American people. WE THE PEOPLE, have to assume evil intent by these administrative officials in their past actions of prior administrations and congressional sessions.

For example, George Bush Sr. pushed for a New World Order, telling the American People outright that it will happen (that America’s sovereignty was to be dissolved and replaced with a global government). This same president (who was former director of the CIA) created a brand new Department called “Homeland Security”. He merged TSA, FEMA, and other U.S. Administration activities under the umbrella. Because this ex-President is suspect in treason, the entire Dept of Homeland Security should either be disbanded or should be put on probation, and monitored by an outside uncompromised NGO.

We need to either start over, or place ‘hawk-eyes’ on every entity that was created by rouge or corrupt former administration officials. If it was created, or helped created by them, and if it becomes public consensus that they were corrupt, then we should assume the agency created by them to be equally corrupt, and a National Threat to the American People.