New Intelligence Agencies

‪I think we should thoroughly sanitize the intelligence arms of the government. Disband the CIA and FBI. Reimagine more efficient agencies: NIA: National Intelligence Agency and IIA: International Intelligence Agency. ‬Here’s a high-level plan of what each would handle…

NIA: Federal Inveatigations, US Marshals, DHS, Border Protection, Immigration‬

IIA: International Investigations, Technical Operations (internet and communications operations and security), Covert Operations‬

‪Each of these new government agencies have a built-in check and balance system that consistently reviews for overreach and partisanship. ‬

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Constitutional ones with actual checked and balances would be nice. We should have civilian oversight for all enforcement agencies, especially the ones that play psychological mind games and use mind control technology

we need to create some kind of separation between the intel gathers and the analysts. Keep these intel agencies far enough away from one another to prevent a build up and abuse of power.

Eliminate all Non enumerated agencies! Submit a constitutional amendment justifying creation of any additionally desired federal agency or department.