Humane treatment in mental health facility’s

The issue of cruel and unusual punishment in short term care facilities, residentials, TTI programs and rehab centers has raised serious increasing attention over the years. These facilities are intended to provide a safe and supportive space for mental health issues, addiction or both. However neglect and abuse in these institutions and outside facility’s has gone far to unnoticed. As a patient who was in 7 mental hospitals for depression and one residential I understood that it didn’t matter where I tried all of these places would have some type of serious hazard. 1 The employee to patient ratio was out of control.
2 employees make u sleep on hard plastic at their will.
3 employees will punch, scream and restrain at will even without being provoked
4 patients / residents getting r*ped because the staff aren’t paying attention during rotation.
5 If you are in school most of the teachers aren’t actually going to teach in these places
6 TTi programs are known for the rising death count in there industry some kids stay for years
7 long term residentials will provoke patients and keep them up at night
8 most places have bed bugs, rats , lice outbreaks and mold
9 facility’s will allow patients to sit for countless hours at intake sometimes all night
10 facility’s will withhold the phone from you and make you earn clothes.
In conclusion these “ safe places” have become nothing of the sort and we need more regulations, 1 better funding so staff can be trained regularly and so patients can have higher quality of care. 2 regular inspections
3 better supply chain management
4 partnerships with NGOs
5 Emergency relief funds to fight the infestations in these facilities
6 policy reform to protect the rights of patients
7 research grants so we can learn more about these patients
8 enforcing strict legal consequences to those who abuse patients
other thoughts your administration may have that could help these people still in the programs today will help the amount of neglect and unfair treatment twords these people is a clear violation of the 8th amendment and I have hope that the trump team will do something about it.


Hi there
Thank you for this submission
you should add it to Health because i think Feedback is for the website itself

I wanted to let you know that I added your policy to a collection that I have formed under the “umbrella” of my policy platform. The idea is to generate further discussion on this topic as a group. Please come check out my proposal, and leave your comments and suggestions. :smile: